Course overview

Have you ever wondered how they titivate the Eiffel Tower or get to the top of rockets to clean the windows? Yeah, well neither have we. I mean, it’s important stuff, astronauts do need to see where they’re going, and that French fancy would rust away without the proper upkeep. Whatever. What’s more important though is keeping you and your staff safe when working at height. Did you know that working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries? It’s true. If precautions aren’t taken, a person could fall and end up seriously injured, or even dead. The made-up book “Health-n-Safety-Pedia” by British London Books defines working at height as: work in any place where, if precautions were not taken, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury. It, and this course, also mentions control measures, PPE, risk assessments, walking-the-plank (maybe not that bit), as well as the do’s and don’ts of working at height.

Learning objectives:

  • Safety precautions
  • Preparing to protect
  • Regulatory information
  • Do’s and don’ts of working from height
  • Risk assessments
  • Control measures
  • Equipment you might need

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Working at Height - eModule
4.9 (8)
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Working at Height Refresher - eModule
4.9 (8)
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Working at Height - Certificate
4.9 (8)
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Working at Height Refresher - Certificate
4.9 (8)
Not available unless: The activity Working at Height - eModule is marked complete