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Presenting with Confidence
0.0 (0)
Category Sales Skills Collection
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Remote Selling
4.9 (8)
Category Sales Skills Collection
When you work in sales, you’ll spend a lot of your time talking to customers or clients. With so much for you to do your days can be eaten up by travel. Sometimes, it’s totally unnecessary too. Do you really need to commute to the office to make a call? Thankfully, in modern times, there’s a time-saving solution, which could allow you to work from the comfort of your own home, or another place of your choosing: remote selling. Since 2020, a significant number of people now work from home. Many businesses have switched to remote selling or a hybrid of remote and face-to-face selling. Sales teams can talk to customers via video call and close deals wherever they are. Remote selling, done well, can be easy and convenient. Could it work for you?
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Understanding the Customer
4.9 (8)
Category Sales Skills Collection
The best way to give your customers great service is by understanding them inside out. Now, you’re thinking, ‘Great. I’ll just ask them what they want.’ But it’s not that easy. People often don’t know what they want, so you’ll need to use a variety of techniques to find out more about your customers. By understanding the customer, you’ll be able to go beyond their expectations to deliver fantastic service. Knowing who your customers are and what they care about will help you get into your customers’ heads and see things from their perspective. This course will look at several ways to carry out customer research, so you can get the full picture about your customers.
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Using Rapport
4.9 (8)
Category Sales Skills Collection
To be awesome at selling, you need to be able to connect with your customers or clients. But it isn’t easy to build relationships with people straight away. Maybe you get nervous, or you can’t get last month’s sales figures out of your head. If you need to find a way to connect with customers quickly, you can do that by using rapport. Building rapport is a skill that anyone can learn. It might take some practice, but anyone can learn to build an emotional connection with others. This is important in sales because customers tend to prefer to buy things from people they like and trust. In this course, you’ll learn how to use some rapport-building behaviours to help you hone your sales technique.
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