Course overview

Risk! Apart from being the most ‘impossible to finish’ board game, RISK is something we face every day, especially in the workplace. As technology and machinery gets, bigger, faster, and… well… more technical, the risk to the workforce grows, and that’s why risk assessments are so important. They allow you to manage the risk before you undertake the task. Simples. Successful risk assessments are a crucial part of maintaining the safety of employees, clients or visitors to the work place, making them an essential task.

Learning objectives:

  • The law on risk assessment
  • What is a risk assessment?
  • How to complete a risk assessment
  • When a risk assessment is needed?
  • What and who should a risk assessment cover? 

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Risk Assessment Training – eLearning
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Risk Assessment Training - Certificate
4.9 (8)
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