Russia History Quiz #16

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Questions: 20

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. What was the name of the first diesel powered ship invented in Russia?
    1. Solar
    2. Sonar
    3. Vandal
    4. Crook
  2. Who took the Novorgordian Throne in 1210?
    1. Msitislav the Brave
    2. Vladimir the Bold
    3. Boris the Beast
    4. Joseph the Warlod
  3. Who device was invented by AM Ponyatov?
    1. Internet
    2. Videotape Recorder
    3. Streaming Video
    4. DVD
  4. Which river was known in prehistoric times as Tanais?
    1. Siene
    2. Volga
    3. Don
    4. Danube
  5. Which of these facts is NOT true about Valdimir Putin?
    1. He married Ludimila in 1983?
    2. He was born in Leningrad
    3. is married to a woman called June
    4. In 2020, he turned 68
  6. Which chemical element was discovered by Russians in 1966?
    1. Nobelium
    2. Einsteinium
    3. Hafnium
    4. Californium
  7. When was the Orgburo established to oversee the Communist Party?
    1. 1919
    2. 1949
    3. 1939
    4. 1929
  8. When was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
    1. 2002
    2. 2010
    3. 2006
    4. 2008
  9. When did the Belsan School disaster occur?
    1. 2009
    2. 2013
    3. 2001
    4. 2004
  10. When did Igor Stravinsky die?
    1. 1991
    2. 1961
    3. 1971
    4. 1981
  11. As part of the 2005 deal to supply fuel to Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Reactor, what did Russia want in return?
    1. Spent Rods
    2. Food
    3. Money
    4. Arms
  12. What name is given to the form of pastoralism, prominent in Russia, where livestock are herded in order to find fresh pastures?
    1. Bomadism
    2. Nomadism
    3. Slowmadism
    4. Showmadism
  13. The trade union Solidarity was founded in which year?
    1. 1985
    2. 1990
    3. 1980
    4. 1995
  14. The European Parliament established a Freed for Thought prize in 1985 in honour of whom?
    1. Lenin
    2. Sakhrov
    3. Stalin
    4. Putin
  15. Rasputin was allegedly ordered for being a cause of Russia's failures during which war?
    1. World War 2
    2. World War 1
    3. Russo-China War
    4. Russo Japanese War
  16. King Sauromates II was a king of which Ancient Russian kingdom?
    1. Moscovian Kingdom
    2. Bosporan Kingdom
    3. Slav Kingdom
    4. Hun Kingdom
  17. In which city was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
    1. Moscow
    2. London
    3. Paris
    4. Rome
  18. In what decade was the Gulag established?
    1. 1950s
    2. 1940s
    3. 1930s
    4. 1990s
  19. IF Alexandrovisky invented which device used in Warfare?
    1. Torpedo
    2. Gas Mask
    3. AK47
    4. Heat Seeking Missle
  20. Glasnost began in what decade?
    1. 2000s
    2. 1990s
    3. 1980s
    4. 1970s

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. What was the name of the first diesel powered ship invented in Russia?
  2. Who took the Novorgordian Throne in 1210?
    Msitislav the Brave
  3. Who device was invented by AM Ponyatov?
    Videotape Recorder
  4. Which river was known in prehistoric times as Tanais?
  5. Which of these facts is NOT true about Valdimir Putin?
    is married to a woman called June
  6. Which chemical element was discovered by Russians in 1966?
  7. When was the Orgburo established to oversee the Communist Party?
  8. When was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
  9. When did the Belsan School disaster occur?
  10. When did Igor Stravinsky die?
  11. As part of the 2005 deal to supply fuel to Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Reactor, what did Russia want in return?
    Spent Rods
  12. What name is given to the form of pastoralism, prominent in Russia, where livestock are herded in order to find fresh pastures?
  13. The trade union Solidarity was founded in which year?
  14. The European Parliament established a Freed for Thought prize in 1985 in honour of whom?
  15. Rasputin was allegedly ordered for being a cause of Russia's failures during which war?
    World War 1
  16. King Sauromates II was a king of which Ancient Russian kingdom?
    Bosporan Kingdom
  17. In which city was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
  18. In what decade was the Gulag established?
  19. IF Alexandrovisky invented which device used in Warfare?
  20. Glasnost began in what decade?
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