Russia History Quiz #12

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Questions: 21

Time Limit: 10:30

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  1. What was the name of the 1906 manifesto that called on Russians to evade taxes?
    1. Pyborg
    2. Lyborg
    3. Vyborg
    4. Cyborg
  2. Yuri Luzhkov, sacked as Major of Moscow in 2010, had held the post since when?
    1. 1988
    2. 1982
    3. 1998
    4. 1992
  3. Who ruled Kiev from 980 to 1015?
    1. Vladimir the Great
    2. Henry the Great
    3. Peter the Great
    4. Maxim the Great
  4. Who compose the famous Russian work , The Manfred Symphony?
    1. Tchaikovksy
    2. Glinka
    3. Borodin
    4. Balakirev
  5. Which party strives for a "New Socialism in the 21st Century"?
    1. United Russia
    2. Communist Party
    3. LDPR
    4. A Just Russia
  6. Which of these events took place in 1707?
    1. Bulavin
    2. Dulavin
    3. Sulavin
    4. Mulavin
  7. Which Bosporan King captured Nymphaion?
    1. Spartokos
    2. Cotys
    3. Satyrus
    4. Darius
  8. When was the Lena Goldfield Massacre?
    1. 1926
    2. 1904
    3. 1912
    4. 1918
  9. When the Mongols invaded Russia they destroyed all major cities apart from Novgorod and where else?
    1. Pskov
    2. Mskov
    3. Lskov
    4. Dskov
  10. When did the Battle of Neva take place?
    1. 1540
    2. 1240
    3. 1240
    4. 1040
  11. When did Gazprom buy out Roman Abramovich from Sibneft?
    1. 2007
    2. 2010
    3. 2005
    4. 2001
  12. Andrei Dunaev founded which political party in Russia?
    1. Patriots of Russia
    2. Communist Party
    3. Right Cause
    4. Yabloko
  13. What is the name of the Youth Movement of United Russia?
    1. The Young Warriors
    2. The Young Chiefs
    3. The Young Guard
    4. The Young Men
  14. The State Duma of the Russian Empire was founded after revolution in which year?
    1. 1905
    2. 1935
    3. 1925
    4. 1915
  15. The Duma is located near which square?
    1. Lanege Square
    2. Fanege Square
    3. Nanege Square
    4. Manage Square
  16. Primakov's opposition to the Nato Campaign against whom caused controversy in 1998?
    1. Yugoslavia
    2. North Korea
    3. China
    4. Japan
  17. King Mithridates VI of Pontus was defeated by what Roman General in 63 BC?
    1. Crassus
    2. Pompey
    3. Nero
    4. Brutus
  18. In which century did Catherine the Great rule over Russia?
    1. 19th
    2. 16th
    3. 17th
    4. 18th
  19. In what century was Shemyaka poisoned by Muscovite agents?
    1. 12th
    2. 15th
    3. 10th
    4. 18th
  20. How was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
    1. Poison
    2. Drowned
    3. Suffocated
    4. Shot
  21. Garry Kasparov became a world champion in which event during the 1980s?
    1. Chess
    2. Tennis
    3. Bridge
    4. Poker

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. What was the name of the 1906 manifesto that called on Russians to evade taxes?
  2. Yuri Luzhkov, sacked as Major of Moscow in 2010, had held the post since when?
  3. Who ruled Kiev from 980 to 1015?
    Vladimir the Great
  4. Who compose the famous Russian work , The Manfred Symphony?
  5. Which party strives for a "New Socialism in the 21st Century"?
    A Just Russia
  6. Which of these events took place in 1707?
  7. Which Bosporan King captured Nymphaion?
  8. When was the Lena Goldfield Massacre?
  9. When the Mongols invaded Russia they destroyed all major cities apart from Novgorod and where else?
  10. When did the Battle of Neva take place?
  11. When did Gazprom buy out Roman Abramovich from Sibneft?
  12. Andrei Dunaev founded which political party in Russia?
    Right Cause
  13. What is the name of the Youth Movement of United Russia?
    The Young Guard
  14. The State Duma of the Russian Empire was founded after revolution in which year?
  15. The Duma is located near which square?
    Manage Square
  16. Primakov's opposition to the Nato Campaign against whom caused controversy in 1998?
  17. King Mithridates VI of Pontus was defeated by what Roman General in 63 BC?
  18. In which century did Catherine the Great rule over Russia?
  19. In what century was Shemyaka poisoned by Muscovite agents?
  20. How was Alexander Litvinenko killed?
  21. Garry Kasparov became a world champion in which event during the 1980s?
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