General Knowledge Quiz #331

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Questions: 20

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. Yildiz Holding, one of the world's largest confectionery corporations and acquirer of United Biscuits in 2014, is what 'MINT' nationality?
  2. Name the 1879-founded magazine, and religion, with reputedly the highest international circulation of any monthly printed publication (two answers required)?
  3. Collagen, elastin, keratin, myosin, and lectin are: Fats; Proteins; Hormones; or Cytoplasm?
  4. What vocal musical term means literally 'in the style of the church/chapel'?
  5. Pāramitā, pāramī, or the Ten Perfections, are an aspirational model of which belief system?
  6. Which statesman used the Russian maxim 'doveryai, no proveryai' ('trust, but verify') to ease US/USSR negotiations at the end of the cold war?
  7. Concentric graduated shading, traditionally used on western stringed instrument soundboards and mid-1900s cartoons, is called: Moonglow; Sunburst; Starlight; or Black hole?
  8. What expression means: rob, support, delay, and show?
  9. What whole number is the fourth root of 2,401?
  10. Name the largest pre-Columbian/Hispanic city of South America, in Peru, and also the name of a popular song from Cuba?
  11. A chemical reaction accelerated by adding a separate recyclable substance is: Catharsis; Catechesis; Cathexis; or Catalysis?
  12. 'Suspiral' - a waste storage/drainage invention in the 1600s - evolved into what better known term/concept?
  13. Cantaluppi near Rome is noted for introducing which orange food to Europe from Armenia?
  14. Which country's coins featured images of salmon, bull, red deer, woodcock and hunter, before replacement by the Euro?
  15. Latin 'collum' refers to which part of the human body?
  16. What is the unit of measurement for a chemical element's combining power with other atoms to form compounds/molecules?
  17. Youku Tudou is (early 2000s) China's most popular: Martial Art; Salad; Cycle route; or Video-sharing website?
  18. The Anglicized Italian term 'cognoscenti' refers to people who are: Technically-minded; Informed/expert; Devoutly religious; or Watchmakers/jewellers?
  19. Which 'BRIC' country re-elected female president Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party, 2014?
  20. The term and tactical use of a 'nightwatchman' arises in which sport?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. Yildiz Holding, one of the world's largest confectionery corporations and acquirer of United Biscuits in 2014, is what 'MINT' nationality?
  2. Name the 1879-founded magazine, and religion, with reputedly the highest international circulation of any monthly printed publication (two answers required)?
    The Watchtowerpublished by Jehova's Winesses 
  3. Collagen, elastin, keratin, myosin, and lectin are: Fats; Proteins; Hormones; or Cytoplasm?
  4. What vocal musical term means literally 'in the style of the church/chapel'?
    A Cappella
  5. Pāramitā, pāramī, or the Ten Perfections, are an aspirational model of which belief system?
  6. Which statesman used the Russian maxim 'doveryai, no proveryai' ('trust, but verify') to ease US/USSR negotiations at the end of the cold war?
    Ronald Reagan 
  7. Concentric graduated shading, traditionally used on western stringed instrument soundboards and mid-1900s cartoons, is called: Moonglow; Sunburst; Starlight; or Black hole?
  8. What expression means: rob, support, delay, and show?
    Hold up
  9. What whole number is the fourth root of 2,401?
  10. Name the largest pre-Columbian/Hispanic city of South America, in Peru, and also the name of a popular song from Cuba?
    Chan Chan
  11. A chemical reaction accelerated by adding a separate recyclable substance is: Catharsis; Catechesis; Cathexis; or Catalysis?
  12. 'Suspiral' - a waste storage/drainage invention in the 1600s - evolved into what better known term/concept?
  13. Cantaluppi near Rome is noted for introducing which orange food to Europe from Armenia?
  14. Which country's coins featured images of salmon, bull, red deer, woodcock and hunter, before replacement by the Euro?
  15. Latin 'collum' refers to which part of the human body?
  16. What is the unit of measurement for a chemical element's combining power with other atoms to form compounds/molecules?
    Valence or Valency 
  17. Youku Tudou is (early 2000s) China's most popular: Martial Art; Salad; Cycle route; or Video-sharing website?
    Video-sharing website 
  18. The Anglicized Italian term 'cognoscenti' refers to people who are: Technically-minded; Informed/expert; Devoutly religious; or Watchmakers/jewellers?
  19. Which 'BRIC' country re-elected female president Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party, 2014?
  20. The term and tactical use of a 'nightwatchman' arises in which sport?
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