General Knowledge Quiz #259

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Questions: 25

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. Measured in kilograms per cubic metre, the mass of unit volume of a substance is called: Density; Weight; Momentum; or Pressure?
  2. In astronomy what name is given to a distance of 26 light-years, a portmanteau of parallax and second?
  3. In the constructed international Esparanto language, what are Dimanĉo, Lundo, Mardo, Merkredo, Jaŭdo, Vendredo, Sabato?
  4. What global ethical standards organization's logo, like the yin-yang symbol, shows " sky for optimism, green for growth, and a raised arm for empowerment..." ?
  5. The infinity sign is a sideways (90-degree rotated): 3; 6; 8; or X?
  6. What word for a sweet dish is a French portmanteau meaning 'clear the table', combining 'remove' and 'serve'?
  7. Epoch, Eon, Era, and Period are types of: Punctuation; Roman gods; Geological timescales; or Microsoft operating systems?
  8. What Latin for 'I' is used in varying contexts referring to the oneself, and our self-view?
  9. Reef, clove hitch, bowline, and sheepshank are types of what?
  10. Heightwise, if Mount Everest were put into the the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, its peak would be roughly where in relation to sea level: At sea level; A mile higher; Two miles higher; or A mile below?
  11. The nitrogen cycle, fundamental in nature, entails airborne nitrogen and animal/plant decomposition converting to: Ammonia; Oxygen; Hydrogen; or Silver?
  12. A full-grown courgette or zucchini is a: Cucumber; Pumpkin; Marrow; or Aubergine?
  13. Metrical feet types such as iamb, trochee, dactyl, and anapest characterize: American furniture; Western poetry; Tree frogs; or Southern hemisphere rainbows?
  14. The most highly developed part of a brain is the: Cerebrum; Hippocampus; Thalamus; or Medulla?
  15. 'Highway Gothic', 'Transport' and 'Motorway', (originally US, UK, UK) are common international standard road (What?): Reflective paint; Surfacing stone sizes; Signage typefaces; or Lighting brightness?
  16. In the scoring of diving competition (from a platform/board into a pool) the abbreviation DD means what?
  17. In astronomy what name is given to a distance of 3.26 light-years, a portmanteau of parallax and second?
  18. Japanese for 'picture character' is (What?) - reportedly the fastest growing language ever?
  19. Brighter rainbows are caused mainly by: Air temperature; Time of day; Bigger raindrops; or The viewing person's imagination only?
  20. The Parthenon in Athens was originally a: Gladiatorial stadium; Temple; Fortress; or Library?
  21. Desalination is the removal of (What?) from (What?): Heat; Salt; Brine; Alcohol; Infection; or Milk?
  22. In the Modern Braille system, three embossed dots in vertical line equates to: A; L; V; or Z?
  23. Name the tree/resin which produces Arabic/Yemen (natural chewing) gum, related to a word for chew?
  24. Ray Dolby's eponymous 1933 invention improved: Safety glass; Blood transfusion; Sound reproduction; or Train punctuality?
  25. Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary are the three major types of: Trees; Rock; Fish; or Human hair?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. Measured in kilograms per cubic metre, the mass of unit volume of a substance is called: Density; Weight; Momentum; or Pressure?
  2. In astronomy what name is given to a distance of 26 light-years, a portmanteau of parallax and second?
  3. In the constructed international Esparanto language, what are Dimanĉo, Lundo, Mardo, Merkredo, Jaŭdo, Vendredo, Sabato?
    The days of the week 
  4. What global ethical standards organization's logo, like the yin-yang symbol, shows " sky for optimism, green for growth, and a raised arm for empowerment..." ?
  5. The infinity sign is a sideways (90-degree rotated): 3; 6; 8; or X?
  6. What word for a sweet dish is a French portmanteau meaning 'clear the table', combining 'remove' and 'serve'?
  7. Epoch, Eon, Era, and Period are types of: Punctuation; Roman gods; Geological timescales; or Microsoft operating systems?
    Geological timescales
  8. What Latin for 'I' is used in varying contexts referring to the oneself, and our self-view?
  9. Reef, clove hitch, bowline, and sheepshank are types of what?
  10. Heightwise, if Mount Everest were put into the the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, its peak would be roughly where in relation to sea level: At sea level; A mile higher; Two miles higher; or A mile below?
    A mile below 
  11. The nitrogen cycle, fundamental in nature, entails airborne nitrogen and animal/plant decomposition converting to: Ammonia; Oxygen; Hydrogen; or Silver?
  12. A full-grown courgette or zucchini is a: Cucumber; Pumpkin; Marrow; or Aubergine?
  13. Metrical feet types such as iamb, trochee, dactyl, and anapest characterize: American furniture; Western poetry; Tree frogs; or Southern hemisphere rainbows?
    Western poetry 
  14. The most highly developed part of a brain is the: Cerebrum; Hippocampus; Thalamus; or Medulla?
  15. 'Highway Gothic', 'Transport' and 'Motorway', (originally US, UK, UK) are common international standard road (What?): Reflective paint; Surfacing stone sizes; Signage typefaces; or Lighting brightness?
    Signage typefaces
  16. In the scoring of diving competition (from a platform/board into a pool) the abbreviation DD means what?
    Degree of Difficulty
  17. In astronomy what name is given to a distance of 3.26 light-years, a portmanteau of parallax and second?
  18. Japanese for 'picture character' is (What?) - reportedly the fastest growing language ever?
  19. Brighter rainbows are caused mainly by: Air temperature; Time of day; Bigger raindrops; or The viewing person's imagination only?
    Bigger raindrops
  20. The Parthenon in Athens was originally a: Gladiatorial stadium; Temple; Fortress; or Library?
  21. Desalination is the removal of (What?) from (What?): Heat; Salt; Brine; Alcohol; Infection; or Milk?
  22. In the Modern Braille system, three embossed dots in vertical line equates to: A; L; V; or Z?
  23. Name the tree/resin which produces Arabic/Yemen (natural chewing) gum, related to a word for chew?
  24. Ray Dolby's eponymous 1933 invention improved: Safety glass; Blood transfusion; Sound reproduction; or Train punctuality?
    Sound reproduction 
  25. Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary are the three major types of: Trees; Rock; Fish; or Human hair?
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