General Knowledge Quiz #205

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Questions: 22

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. An oubliette, which has a top opening for access, is a: Road tanker; Portable toilet; Dungeon; or Storm drain?
  2. What is 5% of 8: A half; 1; 2; or 5?
  3. According to the rainbow/light spectrum mnemonic (memory aid), Richard Of York Gave (What?) In Vain: Silver; Battle; Thanks; or Kisses?
  4. The unstressed vowel sound 'uh' usually represented by 'a' or 'e' (in 'ago', and 'a cat' or 'open') is called a: Waa; Aha; Phwoar; or Schwa?
  5. In standard netball the only playing position that can move freely in all areas of the court except the shooting circles is: Centre; Goal Attack; Goal Shooter: or Wing Attack?
  6. The Japanese 'chūkanabe' (Chinese pot) is known popularly in Western/Chinese culture as a: Karai; Wok; Skillet; or Tagine?
  7. The famous bazouki instrumental dance music which speeds up is called Zorba the: Cossack; Greek; Dane; or Zulu?
  8. Ostler is an old occupational name for someone who looks after: Horses; Cattle; Chickens; or Elderly people?
  9. What is a musical note time value/symbol, a voice tremble, and a brand of cheese snacks?
  10. LASIK, meaning Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis, is a surgical procedure on the: Eye; Ear; Nose; or Throat?
  11. The machine called a lathe is traditionally associated with what action/term: Welding; Turning; Drilling; or Hole-punching?
  12. A scimitar (pronounced 'simmitar') is a: Shooting star; Sea turtle; Curved sword; or Indian stringed instrument?
  13. What word makes six new words when prefixing: Ten, Tern, Map, Stream, Rate, and Ching?
  14. In the UK in 2016 the first completely new national daily newspaper since 1986 launched, called The New: World; Digest; Day; or Paper?
  15. The 1940s originating term 'Latchkey child/kid' refers to a child who is often: Stealing; Hiding; Losing things; or Home alone?
  16. What is 12.5% of 8: A half; 1; 2; or 5?
  17. In 1852 American Elisha Graves Otis produced the first successful (eponymously branded) safety: Crash helmet; Seat-belt; Elevator; or Pin?
  18. EMG (Electromyography), CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography), and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), are technologies for: Weather forecasting; Internet security; Human body scans; or DNA crime-profiling?
  19. Popular with children, the spotted Coccinellidae family of creatures is better known as what?
  20. In the Christian Bible the third son of Adam and Eve is called: Jacob; Seth; Jesus; or Kevin?
  21. In the human body the cornea is in the: Ear; Eye; Heart; or Foot?
  22. A rhomboid is a: Space rock; Thumb wart; Geometric shape; or Camel's hump?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. An oubliette, which has a top opening for access, is a: Road tanker; Portable toilet; Dungeon; or Storm drain?
  2. What is 5% of 8: A half; 1; 2; or 5?
  3. According to the rainbow/light spectrum mnemonic (memory aid), Richard Of York Gave (What?) In Vain: Silver; Battle; Thanks; or Kisses?
  4. The unstressed vowel sound 'uh' usually represented by 'a' or 'e' (in 'ago', and 'a cat' or 'open') is called a: Waa; Aha; Phwoar; or Schwa?
  5. In standard netball the only playing position that can move freely in all areas of the court except the shooting circles is: Centre; Goal Attack; Goal Shooter: or Wing Attack?
  6. The Japanese 'chūkanabe' (Chinese pot) is known popularly in Western/Chinese culture as a: Karai; Wok; Skillet; or Tagine?
  7. The famous bazouki instrumental dance music which speeds up is called Zorba the: Cossack; Greek; Dane; or Zulu?
  8. Ostler is an old occupational name for someone who looks after: Horses; Cattle; Chickens; or Elderly people?
  9. What is a musical note time value/symbol, a voice tremble, and a brand of cheese snacks?
  10. LASIK, meaning Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis, is a surgical procedure on the: Eye; Ear; Nose; or Throat?
  11. The machine called a lathe is traditionally associated with what action/term: Welding; Turning; Drilling; or Hole-punching?
  12. A scimitar (pronounced 'simmitar') is a: Shooting star; Sea turtle; Curved sword; or Indian stringed instrument?
    Curved sword 
  13. What word makes six new words when prefixing: Ten, Tern, Map, Stream, Rate, and Ching?
  14. In the UK in 2016 the first completely new national daily newspaper since 1986 launched, called The New: World; Digest; Day; or Paper?
  15. The 1940s originating term 'Latchkey child/kid' refers to a child who is often: Stealing; Hiding; Losing things; or Home alone?
    Home alone 
  16. What is 12.5% of 8: A half; 1; 2; or 5?
  17. In 1852 American Elisha Graves Otis produced the first successful (eponymously branded) safety: Crash helmet; Seat-belt; Elevator; or Pin?
  18. EMG (Electromyography), CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography), and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), are technologies for: Weather forecasting; Internet security; Human body scans; or DNA crime-profiling?
    Human body scans
  19. Popular with children, the spotted Coccinellidae family of creatures is better known as what?
  20. In the Christian Bible the third son of Adam and Eve is called: Jacob; Seth; Jesus; or Kevin?
  21. In the human body the cornea is in the: Ear; Eye; Heart; or Foot?
  22. A rhomboid is a: Space rock; Thumb wart; Geometric shape; or Camel's hump?
    Geometric shape 
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