General Knowledge Quiz #194

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Questions: 25

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. Yuma in Arizona is considered the world's most (what?) place: Humid; Hot; Dry; or Sunny?
  2. What religion is represented by the 'Om' symbol (ॐ and bigger below)?
  3. Meaning diligence, spell: Concientousness; Concientiousness; Concienciousness; or Conscientiousness?
  4. Which of these football games has the longest maximum pitch dimensions: American, Rugby Union, Association (Soccer), or Australian?
  5. What 'oronymic' word is a killing and also male mirth?
  6. Which city's airport became the busiest for international passengers in 2014, overtaking London's Heathrow: Amsterdam; Frankfurt; Dubai; or Atlanta?
  7. Yahrzeit is a (what?) in Jewish culture: Minced meat; Ball-game played with the knees; Wet summer; or Anniversay?
  8. The prefix tacho specifically refers to: Speed; Time; Weight; or Light?
  9. What is the the sum of ten consecutive prime numbers starting with 13?
  10. Which real music-related town has according to legend hosted King Arthur and Guinevere in death, Lancelot in penance, the Holy Grail in hiding?
  11. Xmas as an alternative to Christmas derives from: Atheism/secularization; Greek X meaning Christ; X meaning love/kiss; or Typographical error in early bibles?
  12. What colour/color prefixes the following in the names of five what?
  13. The typical maximum permissable velocity of a paintball pellet is how many feet per second: 50; 300; 1,000; or 3,000?
  14. What is the square root of a quarter?
  15. What alliterative and reduplicative term for cheap ornaments, as in rummage sales and charity shops, is from old French meaning 'at random'?
  16. What is the maximum 'perfect' score in ten-pin bowling by rolling 'strikes' in all ten frames?
  17. The Weber and Tesla (standard international) measurement units apply to: Magnetism; Sound; Rigidity; or Sweetness?
  18. The silk thread of a silkworm cocoon can be up to how many meteres long: 9; 90; 900; or 9,000?
  19. According to a 2014 Time Magazine report what 'fingered' chocolate confectionery bar became the first to be sold in every market of the world?
  20. At 2014 how many years ago was the year MDCCXIV?
  21. What word meaning 'across' prefixes the following to make six new words: mission, parent, script, late, fix and fuse?
  22. What did Cambridge City Council ban from its street signs in 2014, and subsequently reinstate after mockery/protest: Pointing fingers; Abbreviations; Apostrophes; or 'Oxford'?
  23. What big-grossing 2007 film, styled like its 1990s comic book series, having a sequel 'Rise of an Empire', fictionalized the Battle of Thermopylae in the Persian Wars?
  24. Which world cup winner became father to the 16th in line to the British throne in Jan 2014?
  25. The famous 'Tu-whit; Tu-whoo' call of the Eurasian Tawny/Brown Owl of is made by: Males only; Females only; Both; or Female (Tu-whit) then Male (Tu-Whoo)?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. Yuma in Arizona is considered the world's most (what?) place: Humid; Hot; Dry; or Sunny?
    Sunny? Sunny 
  2. What religion is represented by the 'Om' symbol (ॐ and bigger below)?
  3. Meaning diligence, spell: Concientousness; Concientiousness; Concienciousness; or Conscientiousness?
  4. Which of these football games has the longest maximum pitch dimensions: American, Rugby Union, Association (Soccer), or Australian?
  5. What 'oronymic' word is a killing and also male mirth?
  6. Which city's airport became the busiest for international passengers in 2014, overtaking London's Heathrow: Amsterdam; Frankfurt; Dubai; or Atlanta?
  7. Yahrzeit is a (what?) in Jewish culture: Minced meat; Ball-game played with the knees; Wet summer; or Anniversay?
  8. The prefix tacho specifically refers to: Speed; Time; Weight; or Light?
  9. What is the the sum of ten consecutive prime numbers starting with 13?
  10. Which real music-related town has according to legend hosted King Arthur and Guinevere in death, Lancelot in penance, the Holy Grail in hiding?
  11. Xmas as an alternative to Christmas derives from: Atheism/secularization; Greek X meaning Christ; X meaning love/kiss; or Typographical error in early bibles?
    Greek X meaning Christ 
  12. What colour/color prefixes the following in the names of five what?
  13. The typical maximum permissable velocity of a paintball pellet is how many feet per second: 50; 300; 1,000; or 3,000?
  14. What is the square root of a quarter?
    A Half 
  15. What alliterative and reduplicative term for cheap ornaments, as in rummage sales and charity shops, is from old French meaning 'at random'?
    Bric a brac
  16. What is the maximum 'perfect' score in ten-pin bowling by rolling 'strikes' in all ten frames?
  17. The Weber and Tesla (standard international) measurement units apply to: Magnetism; Sound; Rigidity; or Sweetness?
  18. The silk thread of a silkworm cocoon can be up to how many meteres long: 9; 90; 900; or 9,000?
  19. According to a 2014 Time Magazine report what 'fingered' chocolate confectionery bar became the first to be sold in every market of the world?
  20. At 2014 how many years ago was the year MDCCXIV?
  21. What word meaning 'across' prefixes the following to make six new words: mission, parent, script, late, fix and fuse?
  22. What did Cambridge City Council ban from its street signs in 2014, and subsequently reinstate after mockery/protest: Pointing fingers; Abbreviations; Apostrophes; or 'Oxford'?
  23. What big-grossing 2007 film, styled like its 1990s comic book series, having a sequel 'Rise of an Empire', fictionalized the Battle of Thermopylae in the Persian Wars?
  24. Which world cup winner became father to the 16th in line to the British throne in Jan 2014?
    Mike Tindall 
  25. The famous 'Tu-whit; Tu-whoo' call of the Eurasian Tawny/Brown Owl of is made by: Males only; Females only; Both; or Female (Tu-whit) then Male (Tu-Whoo)?
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