Japan History Quiz #20

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Questions: 21

Time Limit: 10:30

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  1. The Soga clan installed which Princess of the throne in 593?
    1. Suiko
    2. Dukio
    3. Lukio
    4. Muiko
  2. Who was the world's first surgeon to place his patients under general anaesthesia for major surgery?
    1. Seishu Hanaoka
    2. Crawford Williamson Long
    3. Genpaku Sugita
    4. Ishii Shiro
  3. Who created Japan's first electrical telegraph?
    1. Tohru Kino
    2. Sakuma Shozan
    3. Takayuki Ohira
    4. Shintaro Uda
  4. Which of these served as Prime Minister of Japan BEFORE the others?
    1. Hayato Ikeda
    2. Takeo Miki
    3. Kakuei Tanaka
    4. Eisaku Sato
  5. Which of the following was the sixth emperor of Japan?
    1. Emperor Annei
    2. Emperor Sujin
    3. Emperor Kogen
    4. Emperor Koan
  6. Which of the following is NOT one of the Three Great Spears of Japan?
    1. Otegine
    2. Tonbogiri
    3. Nihongo
    4. Longinus
  7. Which controversial rocket programme was began in 1986?
    1. G2
    2. H2
    3. T5
    4. D4
  8. When was the Great Buddha of Nara completed?
    1. 1052
    2. 152
    3. 752
    4. 1252
  9. When did the Incident of Honno-Ji occur?
    1. 1682
    2. 1482
    3. 1782
    4. 1582
  10. What was the name of the woman married to Crown Prince Naruhito in 1993?
    1. Tasako
    2. Fasako
    3. Masako
    4. Lasako
  11. What is the general term given to the economic politics of Shinzo Abe?
    1. Econsabenics
    2. Shinenomics
    3. Abenomics
    4. Econshinics
  12. Chokuto are types of what ancient Japanese weapon?
    1. Shooting Stars
    2. Shields
    3. Bows
    4. Swords
  13. The Japanese probe Sakigake felw close to where in 1985?
    1. The Moon
    2. Halley's Comet
    3. The Sun
    4. Neptune
  14. The crushing of which rebellion cemented the power of the Yamato Province?
    1. Dawai
    2. Sawai
    3. Iwai
    4. Mawai
  15. Sadanori Yamanaka was given what nickname in 1989?
    1. Mr Consumption Tax
    2. Mr Fast Tax
    3. My Joy Tax
    4. Mr Income Tax
  16. Kataro Honda invented what kind of steel?
    1. GS
    2. KS
    3. MS
    4. TS
  17. In what year was the Hokkaido Aborigine Protection Act passed?
    1. 1899
    2. 1948
    3. 1869
    4. 1961
  18. In what year did Japan win its first Olympic gold medal?
    1. 1928
    2. 1964
    3. 1968
    4. 1920
  19. In Japanese mythology, who was cast as Masamune's rival swordsmith?
    1. Kanemitsu
    2. Chogi
    3. Kunishige
    4. Muramasa
  20. How many numbered legendary emperors ruled over Japan?
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 14
    4. 22
  21. For how many years did Emperor Korei rule?
    1. ~60
    2. ~75
    3. ~82
    4. ~101

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. The Soga clan installed which Princess of the throne in 593?
  2. Who was the world's first surgeon to place his patients under general anaesthesia for major surgery?
    Seishu Hanaoka
  3. Who created Japan's first electrical telegraph?
    Sakuma Shozan
  4. Which of these served as Prime Minister of Japan BEFORE the others?
    Hayato Ikeda
  5. Which of the following was the sixth emperor of Japan?
    Emperor Koan
  6. Which of the following is NOT one of the Three Great Spears of Japan?
  7. Which controversial rocket programme was began in 1986?
  8. When was the Great Buddha of Nara completed?
  9. When did the Incident of Honno-Ji occur?
  10. What was the name of the woman married to Crown Prince Naruhito in 1993?
  11. What is the general term given to the economic politics of Shinzo Abe?
  12. Chokuto are types of what ancient Japanese weapon?
  13. The Japanese probe Sakigake felw close to where in 1985?
    Halley's Comet
  14. The crushing of which rebellion cemented the power of the Yamato Province?
  15. Sadanori Yamanaka was given what nickname in 1989?
    Mr Consumption Tax
  16. Kataro Honda invented what kind of steel?
  17. In what year was the Hokkaido Aborigine Protection Act passed?
  18. In what year did Japan win its first Olympic gold medal?
  19. In Japanese mythology, who was cast as Masamune's rival swordsmith?
  20. How many numbered legendary emperors ruled over Japan?
  21. For how many years did Emperor Korei rule?
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