Events by Month: October

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  1. 16th October, 1847) Which Charlotte Brontë novel was published for the first time in London?
  2. 31st October, 2011) The global expectation is estimated by the UN to have surpassed which landmark number?
  3. 30th October, 1485) Which English king - the first of the Tudor dynasty - was coronated in Westminster Abbey, the final change of monarch during the War of the Roses?
  4. 29th October, 1961) Syria unilaterally exits the United Arab Republic, a union they shared for three years with which other state?
  5. 28th October, 1956) Which celebrity is credited with increasing US vaccination rates exponentially after they received a polio jab on live TV?
  6. 27th October, 2017) Which partially-autonomous region's parliament unilaterally declared its independence from Spain?
  7. 26th October, 1881) The infamous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - involving Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday - takes place in which town in Arizona?
  8. 25th October, 1854) The Charge of the Light Brigade takes place at which battle in the Crimean War, which shares its name with an item of clothing?
  9. 24th October, 1964) Which nation - then the colony of northern Rhodesia - gained its independence from the UK?
  10. 23rd October, 2012) Which teletext service - the world's oldest - ceased service after 38 years, as all of the UK's networks completed the transition to digital?
  11. 22nd October, 1836) Samuel Houston was declared President of which short-lived republic, now a US State?
  12. 21st October, 1805) At which Napoleonic-wars naval battle, off the Iberian Peninsula, did Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson inflict one of his greatest victories over a combined French and Spanish fleet?
  13. 20th October, 1956) Which British director - best known for works such as Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire and the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony - was born in Greater Manchester?
  14. 19th October, 202 BC) Which Carthaginian general - most well known for his expedition across the Alps - was defeated for a final time at the Battle of Zama in North Africa?
  15. 18th October, 1867) Which US State was purchased from Russia for a total of $2 million?
  16. 17th October, 1814) 14 people are killed and building destroyed after around 1,500,000 litres of which substance burst from vats at multiple sites on Tottenham Court Road, London?
  17. 1st October, 1975)  Muhammad Ali defeats which boxer in a legendary match hosted in Quezon City, Philippines - colloquially known as the Thriller in Manila?
  18. 15th October, 1917) Which Dutch dancer was executed by firing squad on suspicion of spying for the Germans?
  19. 14th October, 1322) Which Scottish king defeats the English at the Battle of Old Byland in Yorkshire, forcing King Edward II to accept their independence?
  20. 13th October, 2010) 33 miners were finally all evacuated after 69 days underground in which South American country?
  21. 12th October, 1810) Which festival - best known for beer and lederhösen - was held for the first time in Munich?
  22. 11th October, 1937) Which England footballer - a world-cup winner and the second highest scorer in their history - was born in Ashington, Northumberland?
  23. 10th October, 1964) Which Olympic games' opening ceremony became the first to be relayed live by satellites?
  24. 9th October, 768) Which "great" leader was crowned as one of the two Kings of the Franks?
  25. 8th October, 1982) Which labour union - famously led to Lech Walęsa - was banned by the Polish government?
  26. 7th October, 2001) Western operations began with an air assault in which central Asian country?
  27. 6th October, 2010) Which photo-sharing social media platform - now owned by Facebook - was launched?
  28. 5th October, 1947) Which US President became the first to make a televised address from the Oval Office of the White House?
  29. 4th October, 1957) Which object becomes the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth?
  30. 3rd October, 1789) George Washington declares which day - now a national holiday - to be held on the fourth Thursday of November in the US?
  31. 2nd October, 1187) Which Muslim Sultan captured the city of Jerusalem after 88 years of Crusader rule?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. 16th October, 1847) Which Charlotte Brontë novel was published for the first time in London?
    Jane Eyre
  2. 31st October, 2011) The global expectation is estimated by the UN to have surpassed which landmark number?
    7 Billion
  3. 30th October, 1485) Which English king - the first of the Tudor dynasty - was coronated in Westminster Abbey, the final change of monarch during the War of the Roses?
    Henry VII
  4. 29th October, 1961) Syria unilaterally exits the United Arab Republic, a union they shared for three years with which other state?
  5. 28th October, 1956) Which celebrity is credited with increasing US vaccination rates exponentially after they received a polio jab on live TV?
    Elvis Presley
  6. 27th October, 2017) Which partially-autonomous region's parliament unilaterally declared its independence from Spain?
  7. 26th October, 1881) The infamous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral - involving Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday - takes place in which town in Arizona?
  8. 25th October, 1854) The Charge of the Light Brigade takes place at which battle in the Crimean War, which shares its name with an item of clothing?
  9. 24th October, 1964) Which nation - then the colony of northern Rhodesia - gained its independence from the UK?
  10. 23rd October, 2012) Which teletext service - the world's oldest - ceased service after 38 years, as all of the UK's networks completed the transition to digital?
  11. 22nd October, 1836) Samuel Houston was declared President of which short-lived republic, now a US State?
  12. 21st October, 1805) At which Napoleonic-wars naval battle, off the Iberian Peninsula, did Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson inflict one of his greatest victories over a combined French and Spanish fleet?
  13. 20th October, 1956) Which British director - best known for works such as Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire and the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony - was born in Greater Manchester?
    Danny Boyle
  14. 19th October, 202 BC) Which Carthaginian general - most well known for his expedition across the Alps - was defeated for a final time at the Battle of Zama in North Africa?
    Hannibal Barca
  15. 18th October, 1867) Which US State was purchased from Russia for a total of $2 million?
  16. 17th October, 1814) 14 people are killed and building destroyed after around 1,500,000 litres of which substance burst from vats at multiple sites on Tottenham Court Road, London?
    Beer (The Great London Beer Flood)
  17. 1st October, 1975)  Muhammad Ali defeats which boxer in a legendary match hosted in Quezon City, Philippines - colloquially known as the Thriller in Manila?
    Joe Frazier
  18. 15th October, 1917) Which Dutch dancer was executed by firing squad on suspicion of spying for the Germans?
    Mata Hari
  19. 14th October, 1322) Which Scottish king defeats the English at the Battle of Old Byland in Yorkshire, forcing King Edward II to accept their independence?
    Robert the Bruce
  20. 13th October, 2010) 33 miners were finally all evacuated after 69 days underground in which South American country?
  21. 12th October, 1810) Which festival - best known for beer and lederhösen - was held for the first time in Munich?
  22. 11th October, 1937) Which England footballer - a world-cup winner and the second highest scorer in their history - was born in Ashington, Northumberland?
    Bobby Charlton
  23. 10th October, 1964) Which Olympic games' opening ceremony became the first to be relayed live by satellites?
  24. 9th October, 768) Which "great" leader was crowned as one of the two Kings of the Franks?
    Charlemagne/Charles the Great
  25. 8th October, 1982) Which labour union - famously led to Lech Walęsa - was banned by the Polish government?
  26. 7th October, 2001) Western operations began with an air assault in which central Asian country?
  27. 6th October, 2010) Which photo-sharing social media platform - now owned by Facebook - was launched?
  28. 5th October, 1947) Which US President became the first to make a televised address from the Oval Office of the White House?
    Harry S. Truman
  29. 4th October, 1957) Which object becomes the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth?
    Sputnik 1
  30. 3rd October, 1789) George Washington declares which day - now a national holiday - to be held on the fourth Thursday of November in the US?
  31. 2nd October, 1187) Which Muslim Sultan captured the city of Jerusalem after 88 years of Crusader rule?
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