Diversity Quiz #1

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Questions: 19

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. Revived soulless corpse or mindless unresponsive person?
  2. Old woman or grandmother, also obscurely a headscarf, and (slightly misspelled) hit song for artist whose name is actually in the word (bonus point for artist name)?
  3. Long course bathsponge?
  4. Inspirational aura or personality (of a person)?
  5. Distinguished and sometimes self-important female singer?
  6. Spiritual teacher or expert mentor?
  7. Sour bacterial fermentation of milk?
  8. (Take a) look (at something), typically "Let's have a .... at that", originally British army slang?
  9. Low bed or mattress?
  10. A moving marker, especially digital, orginally runner or messenger?
  11. Love it or hate it food brand originally an earthenware cooking-pot?
  12. Common sense or intellect, from a language ironically used jokingly to describe nonsense or the impossible to understand?
  13. Official person or body responsible for investigating complaints?
  14. Audacity or boldness, usually shameless, a word with Aramaic roots?
  15. High performance, notably of cars?
  16. Celebratory or entertainment gathering or event, typically a suffix for words like film, book, arts, etc?
  17. Enthusiastic or enthusiasm, from military use and original meaning 'work together'?
  18. Subject of Himalayan cryptozoology?
  19. Crazy, derived from a bovine/equine disease?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. Revived soulless corpse or mindless unresponsive person?
    Zombie - Bantu (or acceptably also West African or Haitian)
  2. Old woman or grandmother, also obscurely a headscarf, and (slightly misspelled) hit song for artist whose name is actually in the word (bonus point for artist name)?
    Babushka - Russian (Kate Bush wrote and sang the 1980 hit song Babooshka)
  3. Long course bathsponge?
    Loofah - Arabic (name extending to lufa plant and luf species - a tropical gourd - a loofah is its dried vascular system, technically speaking)
  4. Inspirational aura or personality (of a person)?
    Charisma - Latin (technically ecclesiastical Latin.. more about the 'science' of charisma)
  5. Distinguished and sometimes self-important female singer?
    Diva - Italian (from Latin meaning goddess)
  6. Spiritual teacher or expert mentor?
    Guru - Sanskrit (less correctly Indian or Hindu - Sanskrit is the ancient Indo-European language, used in Indian Hindu and classical writings, which persists today in Indian religious and scholarly work)
  7. Sour bacterial fermentation of milk?
    Yoghurt - Turkish (or Yogurt/Yoghourt, from original yogurt in Turkish)
  8. (Take a) look (at something), typically "Let's have a .... at that", originally British army slang?
    Dekko - Hindustani
  9. Low bed or mattress?
    Futon - Japanese
  10. A moving marker, especially digital, orginally runner or messenger?
    Cursor - Latin
  11. Love it or hate it food brand originally an earthenware cooking-pot?
    Marmite - French(hence the cooking-pot logo)
  12. Common sense or intellect, from a language ironically used jokingly to describe nonsense or the impossible to understand?
    Nous - Greek
  13. Official person or body responsible for investigating complaints?
    Ombudsman - Swedish (Adopted initially into English by UK parliamentary language, it means legal representative in Swedish)
  14. Audacity or boldness, usually shameless, a word with Aramaic roots?
    Chutzpah - Yiddish (or and equating to European-German Jewish - incidentally Aramaic refers to the ancient and nowadays small minority Jewish language and people of the near east and Syria)
  15. High performance, notably of cars?
    GT/Gran Turismo - Italian
  16. Celebratory or entertainment gathering or event, typically a suffix for words like film, book, arts, etc?
    Fest - German
  17. Enthusiastic or enthusiasm, from military use and original meaning 'work together'?
    Gung-ho - Chinese
  18. Subject of Himalayan cryptozoology?
    Yeti - Tibetan (from original yeh-teh, meaning small manlike animal - cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals whose existence is not proven)
  19. Crazy, derived from a bovine/equine disease?
    Loco- Spanish (south west USA - the name for the plant Astragalas and illness due to eating it)
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