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Abrasive Wheels
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Ah, Robot Wars! The hit TV show where contestants build robots using everyday objects and then make them fight to the death! When it comes to weapons, these things are vicious. But what if you work with these tools every day? Abrasive wheels are incredibly useful but also very dangerous when used incorrectly. There are many types of abrasive wheel to suit a wide range of applications, so it’s important to knowwhat to look out for, and how to use and handle them safely.
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Accident Reporting Training
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Correctly reporting incidents at work is an essential part of your business. That’s why iAM Accident Reporting Training is a crucial part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. It will teach you all you need to know about reporting accidents in the workplace, tracking safety progress and improving working conditions for employees.
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Asbestos Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Asbestos is dubbed by many H&S practitioners as the silent killer. And you can see why. There’s no cure for asbestos-related diseases, buildings still contain it and once it’s in the air you can’t detect it. If you breathe it in, then it could be fatal. And because it was so widely used throughout the 20th century, it presents a threat to maintenance staff, building workers and the public. Which is why iAM Asbestos Awareness training is an essential part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. Treat this course as part of your business contingency plan to protect you, your business and your workers from harm.
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Computer Workstations (DSE)
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Computers are brilliant for many aspects of work, but if used incorrectly employees can gain insufferable injuries that will not only lead to nasty damage in their limbs, back and eyes but also result in extra company costs. This course covers exactly what you need to ensure you set up your workstations correctly and support employees’ needs.It will also give you the facts so you can threaten your children with confidence when they are on the iPad for too long.
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Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR)
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Category Policy and Compliance Collection
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Electricity - The Shocking Truth
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Back in Tesla’s time, electricity was EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to work with. Lab explosions, huge fires and electric shocks were common. Things are more regulated these days, in order to protect against accidents and to make sure that people working with or near electricity can do their work safely. Taking sensible precautions willkeep you injury-free, and that’s what this course is all about.
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Fire Marshall and Warden Training
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Everyone should know what to do in the event of a fire. Most don’t which can lead to panic or worse. Mitigate this risk by learning to recognise the potential fire hazards in the workplace and what you can do about them.
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Legionnaires' Awareness Training
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Legionella training is an essential part of all workplace risk management and is vital for those who work in building management, design and maintenance. In some jurisdictions it is not mandatory to have, but in the UK, safety regulators including the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and Care Quality Commission (CQC) expect people with responsibility for the control of Legionella and Legionnaires’ disease to have the correct training that allows them to undertake their duties safely and effectively. Anyone with the responsibility for the control of Legionella, MUST be competent to do their job.
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4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
We all exceed the limit on noise. Whether it’s listening to loud headphones, going to the cinema, or getting a train that makes that squeaky noise on the tracks every day because it never gets oiled. Living with noise and knowing that we may need a hearing aid one day is something we all accept as normal. But noise can be dangerous, especially at work. And employers have a duty of care to look after their employees’ health. This course will teach you what the risks of noise at work are and what action you should take to protect your staff.
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Plant and Machinery
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
From putting dirty socks in the washer dryer to whacking that ready meal in the microwave, machinery is everywhere. Using these types of machines is thankfully straightforward and the risks to health and safety are minimal. But what if you are operating industrial machinery? Complying with plant and machinery safety is a crucial part of your job whether you’re an employer, employee or supervisor. But if you’re unsure about why it’s so important and what the law requires then this course is for you.
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The Adventures of RIDDOR
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
RIDDOR is the reporting of an accident or incident that has occurred. It actually stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous, Occurrences, Regulations or RIDDOR for short. RIDDOR is a legal requirement for the responsible person to record and report certain work-related illnesses and injuries and this short video shows you how!
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The Adventures of the Lone Worker
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Lone Worker training is an essential part of all workplace risk management and is vital for those who employ or manage someone who is required to work in isolation from others or without direct supervision. They might be a community nurse making home visits, a globe-trotting truck driver or even home workers. You see, lone workers are exposed to specific risks that their office-based counterparts are less likely to encounter. So, it’s vital they are spotted early, and effective measures put in place.
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The Ups and Downs of Ladder Safety
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Most injuries occur from falling from a height shorter than two metres and can be avoided using some handy ladder knowledge. Whether you are a decorator painting some hard-to-reach areas or climbing to a second level to do some building work, ladder misuse can cause serious injury, spinal damage and even fatality. Knowing the skills to select, position and secure ladders will take fewer than 40 minutes and can prevent you or others from spending your weekends in a hospital.
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Working at Height
4.8 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Have you ever wondered how they titivate the Eiffel Tower or get to the top of rockets to clean the windows? Yeah, well neither have we. I mean, it’s important stuff, astronauts do need to see where they’re going, and that French fancy would rust away without the proper upkeep. Whatever. What’s more important though is keeping you and your staff safe when working at height. Did you know that working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries? It’s true. If precautions aren’t taken, a person could fall and end up seriously injured, or even dead. The made-up book “Health-n-Safety-Pedia” by British London Books defines working at height as: work in any place where, if precautions were not taken, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury. It, and this course, also mentions control measures, PPE, risk assessments, walking-the-plank (maybe not that bit), as well as the do’s and don’ts of working at height.
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Working in Confined Spaces
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
A confined space in the context of the course refers to a place that is substantially enclosed, where serious injury, or worse, can occur from hazardous substances or conditions within the space, or nearby, for example, from a lack of oxygen. The dangers of working in a confined space, potential hazards and how to mitigate them, tips for reducing the risks involved and regulatory information, are all covered in this course.
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Working With Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
If you haven’t already seen Breaking Bad you probably should. It’s about a terminally ill chemistry teacher who changes career and starts manufacturing recreational drugsin his camper van. Unfortunately, the substances he created were very, very harmful. Not to mention highly illegal.Your job probably isn’t quite so hazardous, or as illegal, as Walter White’s. You don’t have to be a drug dealer to work with chemicals and harmful substances though. Many jobs need access to them, and most workplaces store them. They can be very dangerous to work with, so learning how to handle and store them properly is essential.
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