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Being Kind to Yourself
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
It’s hard to talk about wellbeing without sounding too ‘new age’,  but what does it really mean? We’re talking about people being happy, healthy and comfortable. Simple enough. But it sounds like hard work, right? Not necessarily. There are ways to keep your wellbeing robust without doing anything particularly challenging – phew! And when your wellbeing is peaking, both mentally and physically, there’s nothing you can’t do. Important stuff, then.
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is less complicated than it sounds. It simply combines cognitive therapy, which is the way we think (the brain), with behavioural therapy (our actions), to readjust the way that we process information. It seeks to help you change the way you approach your thoughts, so you can clear your mind of negative intrusion and find a different solution.
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Coping with Isolation
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
We're humans and naturally used to living in social groups. So when it's taken away, it can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and more. This short course is your first step to combatting and coping with isolation.
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Crisis Prevention
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
If you’ve been suffering with mental illness for a while, you may have it under control. But, things change, and it’s possible to find yourself in a situation where you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. This course is going to teach you how to prevent the likelihood of a crisis and what to do if a crisis does happen.
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4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Cyberbullying is something we often don’t think about because it’s hidden behind the screen. But bullying is serious and access to technology means it reaches right into the victims’ own homes, which can make victims feel threatened and humiliated. But luckily, there are ways to stop it.
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Dealing with Stress
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Stress isn’t just a ‘buzzword’. It’s something that every one of us adults suffers from, right? Because stress is so common, sometimes it’s just assumed that we’ll ‘get over it’. But it’s not that simple. Stress can be extremely hard to ‘shake off’, in fact, it’s one of the six leading causes of death. We’ve GOT to take it seriously.
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Dealing with Suicidal Feelings
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Sometimes people become so overwhelmed with a problem in their life that they contemplate intentionally taking their own life. It’s a horrible situation. But many people suffering with suicidal thoughts haven’t decided they definitely want to die. This means knowing how to talk about suicide, however uncomfortable it may be, can save someone’s life.
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Depression and Low Mood
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Understanding depression is the first step to recovering from it. Whether it’s you that’s suffering, or you suspect that your friend or relative is, this course is an aid to diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We’re not claiming it will cure you. But it’s going to help you on your way down that road. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and we’ll be at the side of the road passing you water as you go.
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Drug Abuse Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
In the real world, drugs are still out there – and there’s a range of different types. They come in separate classes too, with slang names and a variety of side effects. Do you know your Lucy from your Charlie, or your Mandy from your Tina? If you don’t, then you should, because they’re not your friends.
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How to Have a Conversation about Mental Health
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
In today’s world, it’s can be hard to get your point across. Everybody is busy. We’re so used to ‘on-demand’, well, everything, that when it comes to discussing mental health, people just don’t seem to have the time, because they assume that it’s going to be long winded, and then people get despondent if there’s no quick fix. The reality is, they’re right. Improving mental health can take significant time. But that’s no reason to ignore the problem. In fact, it’s all the more reason to begin today. This is an opportunity to give you something quick and effective to really motivate you. In today’s world, it’s can be hard to get your point across. Everybody is busy. There’s no quick fix for mental health and people get despondent if there’s no quick fix. It’s time to start a conversation.
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Panic Attacks
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Ever found yourself in a stressful situation where you suddenly feel extremely unwell? We’re talking chest pains, shaking, fear, hyperventilation, a massively increased heart rate…?When a panic attack hits, it might take you by surprise, and perhaps even cause you some extremely nasty physical side effects, even bringing on that heart attack. So we need to keep these in check when possible.
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4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Do you imagine that something bad has happened without any evidence of it? Maybe you think you’re being talked about behind your back, or that the government are attempting to control you. Don’t we all think that one?The fact is, sustained thoughts of this nature can lead to mental health issues. In fact, these paranoid thoughts are often indicative of deeper psychological problems, which may lead to poor mental and physical health. Thankfully, paranoid thought can be corrected, but only if you take action. This course will explain how.
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4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
20 MINS: Hazards...they are everywhere right? They might be funny on those video clip shows, but in the workplace they need to be taken seriously with the right systems and processes in place to help keep you safe!
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Responding to Difficult Events
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Difficult events don’t just mean extraordinary, life-or-death situations. We can all be faced with challenging events, such as job loss, the death of a loved one and serious illness. These are often highly stressful – sometimes traumatic – and many of us struggle to cope with the repercussions.
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Self Harm
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
If you struggle to communicate how you feel, self-harm can seem like it’s the only way to express things which might be too hard or challenging to speak about. But you aren’t alone in feeling this way, and there is lots of help available to stop this self-destructive behaviour, including this course.
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Sleep Problems
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Feeling bleary-eyed? Unable to concentrate? Irritable and fatigued? These, and many more nasty symptoms can be yours with just a few nights of sleeping problems. Unfortunately, 1 in 3 of us suffer from a sleeping disorder at some point in our lives, and when they happen, it’s no laughing matter. Lack of sleep can be dangerous, and lead to further mental health problems, which is just one reason to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.
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Social Media and Self Image
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Social media is a great way to make contact with celebrities and catch up with friends, but filtered images and selected moments portray unrealistic goals which puts overwhelming pressure on young people. The stress to fit in can provoke anxiety, depression or eating and drug disorders.We have put this course together to help you understand how the internet can affect your self-image and how to avoid falling into the pressures of online society.
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Understanding Anxiety
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Anxiety. It’s one of those mental disorders that all of us suffer from at some point in our lives. Some may have relatively mild symptoms. But some people can suffer severely. Whichever end of the scale you fall on, you’ll want to try and calm or control that anxiety, even if you can’t remove it completely. This course will help with that. Crippling anxiety can be a huge barrier in both your personal life and career. We’re here to provide you with the tools to remove that barrier.
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Warning Signs
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
Statistically, 1 in 4 people are suffering from a mental illness or disorder. And in all likelihood, you won’t know who. That’s because mental illness can take many forms, such as stress, depression, paranoia, sleeping problems, anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal feelings. You might not be able to tell from looking at a person whether they are suffering. But this short course is designed to help you recognise key ‘warning signs’ in yourself and others so that you can take appropriate action.
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Workplace Mental Health
4.8 (9)
Category Mental Health Collection
Health is something we are all aware of even if we try to push it to the back of our mind when we are tucking into a Chinese. We know about the physical stuff like broken bones and tumours and breathing conditions. But did you know that mental health is just as complicated as physical health and requires similar treatment?It’s true. And if it’s not dealt with properly then it could cause serious issues down the line. This course will guide you through all you need to know about mental health and what to do if a problem develops.
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Worry and False Thinking
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
It’s not uncommon to worry that bad things might happen. We all have those negative thoughts. But, for some people, those thoughts can spiral out of control. ‘My boss didn’t reply straightaway, so they must be mad at me. They’re going to fire me! I’ll lose my job, my house and car, and my family will hate me...’ But it’s not your fault, and you aren’t alone. There are strategies to help you recognise and deal with worry and false thought. This course is here to help.
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