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Dangers of Night Working
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
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Kicking the Bad Habits
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
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Managing Shift Work
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
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Managing Sickness
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
Running a business, whatever the size, can be challenging at times. One of the things that can impact your business is employee absence due to sickness. Your workforce can be affected by these absences, including their morale or performance. And of course, the cost to your company may be high. That’s why it’s important to correctly manage these absences. Having an effective absence management system will help when that dreaded office bug comes around again. Occasional illness is normal, but it’s important to keep tabs on sick leave, so you can monitor it, save money, and make sure it isn’t abused. Sick-leave privileges are important but can cost your organisation dearly. This course will help you understand why an absence management system is something you should never be without.
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Mental Health First Aider
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
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The Importance of Exercise
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
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The Importance of Sleep
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Wellbeing Collection
About this course When you think about it, sleeping is just many hours of your life wasted, right? You can’t get anything done when you could be catching up on work and those box sets you’ve been putting off. Plus, you’ll wake up with messy hair and in a pool of your own dribble. Really, who needs it? Well, actually we all do. Sleep is absolutely essential to the way your brain and body function. A good night’s sleep can make you healthier, both physically and mentally, and can make you happier, too. This course will explain the benefits of sleep and how you can best get your forty winks.  By the end of this course, you'll be able to: Describe some of the key mechanisms of sleep Identify the health risks caused by chronic lack of sleep Implement a better sleep-hygiene regime Consider why you should change your sleeping habits Why take this course? Humans, unlike machines, can’t just push a button and go into sleep mode – at one time or another, most of us will suffer from the effects of poor sleep. This course will help you to understand how sleep affects your life – and how lack of sleep damages it. Better sleeping habits can really improve your work life and your personal life – even if you do dribble.
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