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Aggression and Violence
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
In an ideal world, no-one would have to face aggression and violence at all. Unfortunately, many of us are faced with it at work, sometimes on a daily basis, whether from a customer or service user, or even from a colleague or boss. No matter the source, it isn’t pleasant and can be extremely stressful, affecting performance, personal relationships, mental health and also your wellbeing.
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Covid-19 Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
In this course, you will find useful information about coronavirus. This course has been created to help spread awareness about the virus, how it is transmitted, and how you can prevent catching it or spreading it to others. We strongly encourage you to seek information from your national and/or local authorities in your respective country. This course has been based on World Health Organisation information and best practice.
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Fire Safety Awareness Training
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Aaah Fire Safety Training. Yellow bibs and clipboards at the ready. Fire’s hot. It’s indiscriminate in its destruction, so, we expect that you’ll want to prevent it. This is essential training and will benefit everyone in the workplace and otherwise.
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General Workshop Safety Equipment
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Ah, the joy of getting a new machine at work! Loads of fresh buttons to push, flashing lights, and it’ll make your job quicker and easier! Although you might not feel like it, you do need to put your ‘sensible’ head on to use your machinery safely. This is where workshop safety equipment comes in because, let’s face it, injuring yourself on a machine is going to lessen the excitement!
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Getting In and Out of Buildings
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Throughout your working day, you’ll need to get in and out of rooms and buildings and even on and off site. If those entrances or exits are blocked or difficult to use, then that can be problematic or even dangerous - especially if they’re fire exits. That’s where this course comes in.
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Good Housekeeping
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
A big cause of preventable injuries at work is poor housekeeping, which can have not only a negative effect on your workforce but also legal implications for you as a business. Good housekeeping includes anything that helps ensure the safety of workers, from preventing trip hazards, controlling hazardous substances, to fire safety. Good housekeeping should be the foundation of a safe workplace environment.
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Introduction to Safe Systems of Work
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
You’ve Been Framed has taught us that hazards are everywhere. From tangled wires and broken plug sockets, to a slippery dance floor at a wedding reception, potential dangers are lurking around every corner. Usually the hazard is the star of a hilarious video but, when it comes to business, a hazard must be dealt with carefully.In the workplace it’s imperative to spot and remove hazards so nobody can injure themselves. But when they cannot be removed, and an element of risk remains, safe systems of work come into their own.
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4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Working in an environment with poor natural light or inadequate lighting can pose a serious risk to your safety. And, believe it or not, it could be the cause of some painful health issues too. In this short course, you’re going to learn exactly why it’s important to stay well-lit at work. Illuminating.
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Personal Hygiene in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Good personal hygiene goes a long way. Especially when it comes to dealing with other people in the workplace. Let’s face it, your body and clothes will get dirty. You’ll accumulate dirt, food particles and germs, it’s only natural. But if you don’t clean yourself and your clothes regularly, you’ll start to smell like Oscar the Grouch. That’s unprofessional. But what if it’s someone else that stinks? How do you tell them without creating upset? Well, this short course will help.
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PPE Essentials
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
What is PPE? Well, if you’re asking that question, you’ll definitely need to take this course. PPE is the shorthand way of saying Personal Protective Equipment. And in this context, we’re talking about equipment you might use at work, like hard hats, those luminous wellies and even ear plugs.It’s not just designed to make you look cool. Or at all, for that matter. It’s there to keep you safe around the workplace, as well as helping you keep compliant with current health and safety regulations. All pretty important stuff, I think you’ll agree.
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Risk Assessment Training
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Risk! Apart from being the most ‘impossible to finish’ board game, RISK is something we face every day, especially in the workplace. As technology and machinery gets, bigger, faster, and… well… more technical, the risk to the workforce grows, and that’s why risk assessments are so important. They allow you to manage the risk before you undertake the task. Simples. Successful risk assessments are a crucial part of maintaining the safety of employees, clients or visitors to the work place, making them an essential task.
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Setting Up Your Home Office
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Category Health and Safety Collection
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Slips, Trips and Falls
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Like me, you’re probably an avid fan of those videos which show people falling over. From a bride going head first into a swimming pool, to a toddler tripping over a yapping dog in the garden, they’re all great, aren’t they? I think they call that schadenfreude. It just never gets old; that’s why shows like ‘You’ve Been Framed’ and ‘Rude Tube’ exist.But did you know that slips, trips and falls are the leading cause of major injuries in the workplace? If you don’t pay attention to this course, you could be the next casualty. As funny as it might be for any onlooker, how does weeks of agony at every move sound, or worse? It’s not a pleasant thought, so you need to start taking it seriously.
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The Basics of Manual Handling
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
Injuries can happen as a result of incorrect handling and moving. I slipped a disc once from trying to bench press a 1980s photocopier. I couldn’t move for a whole week. Naturally this course is about lifting, moving and handling loads safely. It looks at the legal requirements of manual handling and provides a wider understanding and knowledge of manual handling, correct lifting principles, the risks involved and the control measures available so you can keep safe.
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