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SIC Industrial Classifications

SIC codes (standard industrial classifications - 2007, 2003, 1992)

The 2007 SIC (UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities) system became effective 1 January 2008.

The SIC system is used for classifying business activities in the UK, and it correlates to and is developed in conjunction with the equivalent European Union's industrial classification system, NACE.

NACE for stands for Nomenclature Générale des Activités Économiques dans les Communautés Européennes. This is French for Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. NACE is a lot easier.

The first four digits of these industrial classifications codes are the same across the European Community countries. Where a fifth digit appears it is often specific to an individual country's code system. A sixth digit might be added by a supplier of a databases, typically of company addresses or data used in market analysis and advertising campaigns.

The SIC/NACE codes system is a useful reference tool in the analysis, targeting and formulation of marketing strategy, particularly for business-to-business organisations, and an essential reference for the statistical analysis, measurement and reporting of business and trading activity by authorities and statistical bodies.

The UK 2007 SIC system replaced the earlier 2003 version, which itself was a development of the 1992 standards, the first to correlate significantly with the European system.

The work leading to the UK 2007 revision (confusingly effective Jan 2008) was started in 2002, imaginatively and excitingly called 'Operation 2007'. It would have been a considerable project, to say the least.

Consultations involved 'stakeholders' (interested bodies and institutions) including:

  • National Statistical Institutes of all EU member states

  • European Commission

  • Various UK government departments and downstream administrations/delivery agencies and other interested bodies

    Bank of England

  • European Business and Trade associations

European legislation requires that the UK maintains its SIC system in parallel with the European NACE system so that both systems equate precisely down to and including the four-digit class level.

A five-digit sub-class level offers more detailed breakdown for certain classes (of industrial/business activity).

UK SIC and European NACE are entirely consistent with the UN's (United Nation's) International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC).

Revisions arise so as to reflect changes in the world economy. Industry and business change, and so logically does the need to categorize its activities.

The biggest changes of recent years are not surprisingly due mainly to growth and development of new services in the area of ICT (Information and Communications Technology).

The following table (extracted from UK Office of National Statistics data) shows the main changes from SIC 2003 to SIC 2007.

SIC 2007 now has 21 sections and 88 divisions. SIC 2003 had 17 sections and 62 divisions. The world gets more complex; never simpler.

SIC 1992 is shown for historical purposes further below.


Correlations between SIC 2003 and SIC 2007

2003 SIC - main classification headings 2007 SIC - main classification headings
Section Description Section Description

Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry


Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing




Mining and quarrying


Mining and quarrying






Electricity, gas and water supply


Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply


Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities






Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods


Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Hotels and restaurants


Accommodation and food service activities


Transport, storage and communications


Transportation and storage


Information and communication


Financial intermediation


Financial and insurance activities


Real estate, renting and business activities


Real estate activities


Professional, scientific and technical activities


Administrative and support service activities


Public Administration and defence; compulsory social security


Public administration and defence; compulsory social security






Health and social work


Human health and social work activities


Other community, social and personal services activities


Arts, entertainment and recreation


Other service activities


Activities of private households as employers and undifferentiated production activities of private households


Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use


Extraterritorial organizations and bodies


Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies


SIC 2007 full listings structure and explanations

Here is the full 2007 SIC listings structure and explanation (PDF). This document is Crown Copyright.

A full copy of the 2007 SIC standard industrial classifications is also available in other various formats from the British government agency The Stationery Office (TSO - was HMSO).

Detailed further information about SIC listings is available from the Office for National Statistics, Classifications and Harmonisation Unit, Fareham, PO15 5RR. Helpdesk Tel: +44 (0)1329 444970 or email: classifications.helpdesk (at)

The UK Office for National Statistics website is at

Free SIC listings versions and explanations:


1992 SIC - The Historical Record

These classifications effectively replaced the UK 1980 SIC industrial classifications codings in 1992.

They have been replaced by the UK 2007 SIC and are for historical reference only.

1992 SIC codes - main classification headings
A - Agriculture, hunting and forestry
B - Fishing
C - Mining and Quarrying
D - Manufacturing
E - Electricity, gas and water supply
F - Construction
G - Wholesale and Retail Trade including Repairs
H - Hotels and restaurants
I - Transport, storage and distribution
J - Financial intermediation
K - Real estate, renting and business activities
L - Public administration and defence, social security
M - Education
N - Health and social work
O - Other community, social and personal service activities
P - Private households with employed persons
Q - Extra-territorial organisations and bodies (eg. UN, EC, OPEC, etc)


Detailed 1992 SIC codes

N.B. These codes are for historical reference only and have been superseded by modern SIC revisions.

They are a useful free listing however for certain applications, provided you appreciate that they are not the modern SIC system.

1992 SIC codes – for historical reference only

0111 Growing of cereals
0112 Growing of vegetables
0113 Grow fruit nuts & spice crops
01131 Grow grapes & production of wine
01139 Growing other fruit, nuts & spice
0121 Cattle & dairy farming
0122 Farming of sheep goats horses
0123 Farming of swine
0124 Farming of poultry
0125 Other farming of animals
0130 Crop & animal farmers
0141 Agricultural services
0142 Animal husbandry services
01421 Animal boarding & care
01429 Animal husbandry services not elsewhere classified
0150 Hunting & trapping services
01 Agriculture & Hunting
0201 Forestry & logging services
0202 Forestry & logging services
02 Forestry & logging services
0501 Fishing
0502 Fish hatcheries & farmers
05 Fishing & fish hatcheries
1010 Mining of coal
10101 Deep coal mines
10102 Open cast coal working
10103 Manufacture of solid fuel
1030 Extraction of peat
10 Mining of coal
1110 Extract crude petroleum & gas
1120 Incidental services to oil industry
11 Extract crude petroleum & gas
1310 Mining of iron ores
1320 Mining non-ferrous metal ores
13 Mining of metal ores
1411 Quarrying construction stone
1412 Quarry limestone gypsum chalk
1413 Quarrying of slate
1421 Operation of gravel & sand pit
1422 Mining of clays & kaolin
1430 Mining chemical & fertilizer
1440 Production of salt
1450 Other mining & quarrying
14 Other mining & quarrying
1510 Production & process of meat
1511 Production preserving of meat
15111 Slaughtering of animals
15112 Animal by-product processing
15113 Fellmongery
1512 Production preserving poultry
1513 Production meat & poultry prod
15131 Bacon & ham production
15139 Other meat & poultry meat process
1520 Processing fish & fish product
15201 Freezing of fish
15209 Other fish processing & preserve
1531 Processing of potatoes
1532 Manufacture of fruit & vegetable juice
1533 Processing fruit & vegetables
1541 Manufacture of of crude oils & fats
1542 Manufacture of of refined oils & fats
1543 Manufacture of margarine & similar fats
1551 Operation dairies & cheese Manufacture of
15511 Liquid milk & cream production
15512 Butter & cheese production
15519 Manufacture of other milk products
1552 Manufacture of ice cream
1561 Manufacture of grain mill products
15611 Grain milling
15612 Manufacture of breakfast &cereal based foods
1562 Manufacture of starches & starch products
1571 Manufacture of prepared farm animal feed
1572 Manufacture of prepared pet foods
1581 Manufacture of bread & fresh pastry goods
1582 Manufacture of biscuits & preserved pastry
1583 Manufacture of sugar
1584 Manufacture of cocoa chocolate sugar confectionery
15841 Manufacture of cocoa & chocolate confect.
15842 Manufacture of sugar confectionery
1585 Manufacture of macaroni noodles couscous
1586 Processing of tea & coffee
15861 Tea processing
15862 Production coffee & coffee subs.
1587 Manufacture of condiments & seasoning
1588 Manufacture of homogenised & dietetic food
1589 Manufacture of other food products
15891 Manufacture of soups
15899 Manufacture of food products not elsewhere classified
1591 Manufacture of distilled alcoholic drink
1592 Production of ethyl alcohol
1593 Manufacture of wines
15931 Manufacture of wine of fresh grapes & juice
15932 Manufacture of wine from concentrated grapes
1594 Manufacture of cider & other fruit wines
15941 Manufacture of cider & perry
15949 Manufacture of other fermented fruit beverage
1596 Manufacture of beer
1597 Manufacture of malt
1598 Mineral waters & soft drinks
15 Manufacture of food & beverages
1600 Manufacture of tobacco products
16 Manufacture of tobacco products
1711 Spinning of cotton type fibres
1712 Spinning of woollen type fibre
1713 Spinning worsted type fibres
1714 Spinning of flax-type fibres
1715 Throwing & preparation of silk
1716 Manufacture of sewing threads
1717 Spinning of other type fibres
1721 Cotton-type weaving
1722 Woollen-type weaving
1723 Worsted-type weaving
1724 Silk-type weaving
1725 Other textile weaving
1730 Finishing of textiles
1740 Manufacture of made up textile articles
17401 Manufacture of soft furnishings
17402 Manufacture of canvas goods, sacks, etc
17403 Manufacture of household textiles
1751 Manufacture of carpets & rugs
17511 Manufacture of woven carpets & rugs
17512 Manufacture of tufted carpets & rugs
17519 Manufacture of other carpets & rugs
1752 Manufacture of cord rope twine & netting
1753 Manufacture of nonwoven textiles
1754 Manufacture of other textiles not elsewhere classified
17541 Manufacture of lace
17542 Manufacture of narrow fabrics
17549 Manufacture of other textiles not elsewhere classified
1760 Manufacture of knitted & crocheted fabric
1771 Manufacture of knitted crocheted hosiery
1772 Manufacture of knitted crocheted clothing
17 Manufacture of textiles
1810 Manufacture of leather clothes
1821 Manufacture of workwear
1822 Manufacture of other outerwear
18221 Manufacture of other men's outerwear
18222 Manufacture of other women's outerwear
1823 Manufacture of underwear
18231 Manufacture of men's underwear
18232 Manufacture of women's underwear
1824 Manufacture of wearing apparel accessory
18241 Manufacture of hats
18243 Cut make & trim for clothing Manufacture
18249 Manufacture of other wearing apparel not elsewhere classified
1830 Dressing dyeing Manufacture of fur
18 Manufacture of wearing apparel
1910 Tanning & dressing of leather
1920 Manufacture of luggage handbags saddlery
1930 Manufacture of footwear
19 Tanning & dressing of leather
2010 Sawmilling & planning of wood
2020 Manufacture of veneer plywood fibre sheet
2030 Manufacture of builders carpentry joinery
2040 Manufacture of wooden containers
2051 Manufacture of other wood products
2052 Manufacture of articles of cork & straw
20 Manufacture of wood & products of wood
2111 Manufacture of pulp
2112 Manufacture of paper & paperboard
2121 Manufacture of corrugated paper sack bags
21211 Manufacture of corrugated paperboard sack bag
21219 Manufacture of cartons box & other containers
2122 Manufacture of household & toilet goods
2123 Manufacture of paper stationery
2124 Manufacture of wallpaper
2125 Manufacture of other paper products not elsewhere classified
21 Manufacture of pulp paper & paper product
2211 Publishing of books
2212 Publishing of newspapers
2213 Publish journals & periodicals
2214 Publishing of sound recordings
2215 Other publishing
2221 Printing of newspapers
2222 Printing not elsewhere classified
2223 Bookbinding & finishing
2224 Composition & plate making
2225 Activities related to printing
2231 Reproduction sound recordings
2232 Reproduction video recordings
2233 Reproduction of computer media
22 Publishing & printing
2310 Manufacture of coke oven products
2320 Manufacture of refined petroleum products
23201 Mineral oil refining
23209 Other treatment petroleum product
2330 Processing of nuclear fuel
23 Manufacture of coke & refined petroleum
2411 Manufacture of industrial gases
2412 Manufacture of dyes & pigments
2413 Manufacture of inorganic basic chemicals
2414 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals
2415 Manufacture of fertilizers
2416 Manufacture of plastics in primary form
2417 Manufacture of synthetic primary rubber
2420 Manufacture of pesticide & agro chemicals
2430 Manufacture of paint varnish & coatings
24301 Manufacture of paint varnish similar coatings
24301 Manufacture of printing ink
24303 Manufacture of mastics & sealants
2441 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical goods
2442 Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparation
24421 Manufacture of medicaments
24422 Manufacture of non-medicaments
2451 Manufacture of soap & detergents
24511 Manufacture of soap & detergents
24512 Manufacture of cleaning polishing prep.
2452 Manufacture of perfume & toilet products
2461 Manufacture of explosives
2462 Manufacture of glues & gelatin
2463 Manufacture of essential oils
2464 Manufacture of photographic chemicals
2465 Manufacture of prepared unrecorded media
2466 Manufacture of other chemical products
2470 Manufacture of man-made fibres
24 Manufacture of chemicals & chemical prod
2511 Manufacture of rubber tyres & tubes
2512 Retreadng of rubber tyres
2513 Manufacture of other rubber products
2521 Manufacture of plastic plate sheet tube
2522 Manufacture of plastic packaging goods
2523 Manufacture of builders ware of plastic
25231 Manufacture of plastic floor coverings
25239 Manufacture of other builders ware of plastic
2524 Manufacture of other plastic products
25 Manufacture of rubber & plastic products
2610 Manufacture of glass & glass products
2611 Manufacture of flat glass
2612 Shaping processing flat glass
2613 Manufacture of hollow glass
2614 Manufacture of glass fibres
2615 Manufacture of other glass & technical
2621 Manufacture of ceramic household articles
2622 Manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures
2623 Manufacture of ceramic insulators
2624 Manufacture of other technical ceramics
2625 Manufacture of other ceramic products
2626 Manufacture of refractory ceramic product
2630 Manufacture of ceramic tiles & flags
2640 Manufacture of brick tile & construction
2651 Manufacture of cement
2652 Manufacture of lime
2653 Manufacture of plaster
2661 Manufacture of concrete construction good
2662 Manufacture of construction plaster goods
2663 Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete
2664 Manufacture of mortars
2665 Manufacture of fibre cement
2666 Manufacture of goods of concrete plaster
2670 Cutting shaping of stone
2681 Production abrasive products
2682 Manufacture of non metallic mineral prod
26821 Manufacture of asbestos
26829 Manufacture of other non-metal mineral prod
26 Manufacture of other non metallic mineral
2710 Manufacture of basic iron & steel
2721 Manufacture of cast iron tubes
2722 Manufacture of steel tubes
2731 Cold drawing
2732 Cold rolling of narrow strip
2733 Cold forming or folding
2734 Wire drawing
2735 Other first process of steel
2741 Precious metals production
2742 Aluminium production
2743 Lead zinc & tin production
2744 Copper production
2745 Other non-ferrous metal prod
2751 Casting of iron
2752 Casting of steel
2753 Casting of light metals
2754 Casting other non-ferrous
27 Manufacture of basic metals
2811 Manufacture of metal structures & parts
2812 Manufacture of builders metal carpentry
2821 Manufacture of tanks reservoirs of metal
2822 Manufacture of central heating radiator
2830 Manufacture of steam generators
2840 Forging pressing of metal
2851 Treatment & coating of metals
2852 General mechanical engineering
2861 Manufacture of cutlery
2862 Manufacture of tools
2863 Manufacture of locks & hinges
2871 Manufacture of steel drums & similar
2872 Manufacture of light metal packaging
2873 Manufacture of wire goods
2874 Manufacture of fastener screw chain
2875 Manufacture of other fabricated metal product
28 Manufacture of fabricated metal products
2911 Manufacture of engines & turbines
2912 Manufacture of pumps & compressors
29121 Manufacture of pumps
29122 Manufacture of compressors
2913 Manufacture of taps & valves
2914 Manufacture of bearings & gears
2921 Manufacture of furnaces & furnace burners
2922 Manufacture of lifting & handling equip
2923 Manufacture of commercial cooling & vent
2924 Manufacture of general purpose machinery
2931 Manufacture of agricultural tractors
2932 Manufacture of other agricultural & forestry
2940 Manufacture of machine tools
29401 Manufacture of metalworking machine tools
29409 Manufacture of other machine tools
2951 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
2952 Manufacture of machinery for mining
29521 Manufacture of machinery for mining
29522 Manufacture of earth moving equipment
29523 Manufacture of equip. for concrete crushing
2953 Manufacture of machinery for food drink
2954 Manufacture of machinery for textiles
2955 Manufacture of machinery for paper
2956 Manufacture of special purpose machinery
2960 Manufacture of weapons & ammunition
2971 Manufacture of electric domestic appliances
2972 Manufacture of non-electric domestic appliances
29 Manufacture of machinery & equipment
3001 Manufacture of office machinery
3002 Manufacture of computers
30 Manufacture office machines & computer
3110 Manufacture of electric motors generators
3120 Manufacture of electricity distribution apparatus
3130 Manufacture of insulated wire & cable
3140 Manufacture of accumulators & batteries
3150 Manufacture of lighting equipment & lamps
3161 Manufacture of electric equip for vehicle
3162 Manufacture of other electrical equipment
31 Manufacture of electrical machinery
3210 Manufacture of electronic valve & tubes
3220 Manufacture of radio television communications
32201 Manufacture of telegraph telephone apparatus
32202 Manufacture of radio electronic capital goods
3230 Manufacture of television radio video
32 Manufacture of television & line telephone
3310 Manufacture of medical & surgical equip
3320 Manufacture of electronic instruments
33201 Manufacture of electronic instruments
33202 Manufacture of non electronic instruments
3330 Manufacture of industrial process control equip
33301 Manufacture of electronic process control
33302 Manufacture of non electronic process control
3340 Manufacture of optical & photographic equipment
33401 Manufacture of spectacles & unmounted lenses
33402 Manufacture of optical precision instruments
33403 Manufacture of photographic &cinematographic
3350 Manufacture of watches & clocks
33 Manufacture of medical & optical instruments
3410 Manufacture of motor vehicles
3420 Manufacture of vehicle bodies & trailers
34201 Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles
34202 Manufacture of trailers & semi-trailers
34203 Manufacture of caravans
3430 Manufacture of motor vehicle parts
34 Manufacture of motor vehicles & trailers
3511 Building & repairing of ships
3512 Building & repairing of boats
3520 Manufacture of locomotive & rolling stock
3530 Manufacture of aircraft & spacecraft
3541 Manufacture of motorcycles
3542 Manufacture of bicycles
3543 Manufacture of invalid carriages
3550 Manufacture of other transport equipment
35 Manufacture of other transport equipment
3610 Manufacture of furniture
3611 Manufacture of chairs & seats
3612 Manufacture office & shop furniture
3613 Manufacture of other kitchen furniture
3614 Manufacture of other furniture
3615 Manufacture of mattresses
3621 Striking of coins & medals
3622 Manufacture of jewellery & related goods
3630 Manufacture of musical instruments
3640 Manufacture of sports goods
3650 Manufacture of games & toys
36501 Manufacture of professional & arcade games
36509 Manufacture of other games & toys not elsewhere classified
3661 Manufacture of imitation jewellery
3662 Manufacture of brooms & brushes
3663 Other manufacturing not elsewhere classified
36631 Manufacture of misc. stationers goods
36639 Other manufacturing not elsewhere classified
36 Manufacture of furniture & Manufacture not elsewhere classified
3710 Recyclng metal waste & scrap
3720 Recyclng non-metal waste scrap
37 Recycling
4010 Production of electricity
40101 Electricity generation
40102 Electricity transmission & supply
4020 Manufacture of gas & distribution
4030 Steam & hot water supply
40 Electricity gas steam & hot
4100 Collection & distribute water
41 Collection & distribute water
4511 Demolition & earth moving
4512 Test drilling & boring
4521 General construction & building
45211 Construction commercial buildings
45212 Construction domestic buildings
45213 Construction civil engineering
4522 Erection of roof covering
4523 Construction highways airfield
4524 Construction of water project
4525 Other construction
4531 Install electrical wiring
4532 Insulation work
4533 Plumbing
4534 Other building installation
4541 Plastering
4542 Joinery installation
4543 Floor & wall covering
4544 Painting & glazing
4545 Other building completion
4550 Rent operated plant
45 Construction
5010 Sale of motor vehicles
0101 Sale of new motor vehicles
50102 Sale of used motor vehicles
5020 Maintenance repair vehicles
5030 Sale vehicle parts
5040 Sale repair motorcycles
5050 Retail sale of automotive fuel
50 Sale maintenance motor vehicle
5111 Agents agricultural raw material
5112 Agents fuel ore metal chemical
5113 Agents timber building materials
5114 Agents industrial machinery
5115 Agents household goods
5116 Agents textile clothing
5117 Agents food beverage tobacco
5118 Agents specialising goods not elsewhere classified
5119 Agents involved variety goods
5121 Wholesalers grain seeds animal feed
5122 Wholesalers flowers & plants
5123 Wholesalers live animals
5124 Wholesalers hides skin & leather
51241 Wholesalers of fur skins
51249 Wholesalers hides skins & leather not elsewhere classified
5125 Wholesalers unmanufactured tobacco
5131 Wholesalers fruit & vegetables
5132 Wholesalers meat & meat products
5133 Wholesalers dairy produce oil fat
5134 Wholesalers alcoholic & other drink
5135 Wholesalers tobacco products
5136 Wholesalers sugar chocolate confectionery
5137 Wholesalers coffee tea cocoa spice
5138 Wholesalers other food & fish
5139 Non-specialised food drink
5141 Wholesalers textiles
5142 Wholesalers clothing & footwear
51421 Wholesalers adults fur leather clothing
51422 Wholesalers child & infants clothing
51423 Wholesalers of footwear
51429 Wholesalers of clothing not elsewhere classified
5143 Wholesalers elect household goods
51431 Wholesalers compact disc video tapes
51439 Wholesalers radios televisions etc
5144 Wholesalers china wallpaper
5145 Wholesalers perfume & cosmetics
5146 Wholesalers pharmaceuticals goods
5147 Wholesalers other household goods
51471 Wholesalers of furniture
51473 Wholesalers of jewellery
51474 Wholesalers of imitation jewellery
51475 Wholesalers of musical instruments
51476 Wholesalers of photographic goods
51477 Wholesalers of toys & games
51478 Wholesalers of travel & fancy goods
51479 Wholesalers of other household goods
5151 Wholesalers solid liquid fuels
51511 Wholesalers of petroleum & products
51519 Wholesalers other fuels & related prod
5152 Wholesalers metal & metal ores
5153 Wholesalers construction materials
5154 Wholesalers hardware plumbing
5155 Wholesalers chemical products
5156 Wholesalers intermediate products
5157 Wholesalers waste & scrap
5161 Wholesalers machine tools
5162 Wholesalers construction machinery
5163 Wholesalers textile machinery
5164 Wholesalers office machinery
5165 Wholesalers other machinery
5166 Wholesalers agricultural machinery
5170 Other wholesale
51 Wholesalers trade & commission
5211 Retail food drink tobacco
52111 Retail tobacco newspapers sweets
52119 Supermarkets
5212 Retail non specialised stores
5221 Retail sale fruit & vegetables
5222 Retail sale meat & meat products
5223 Retail sale of fish
5224 Retail sale bread cakes
5225 Retail sale alcoholic drink
5226 Retail sale tobacco products
5227 Other retail food drink
5231 Dispensing chemists
5232 Retail sale of medical goods
52321 Retail of hearing aids
52329 Retail sale of medical goods
5233 Retail cosmetic & toilet goods
5241 Retail sale of textiles
5242 Retail sale of clothing
52421 Retail adults fur & hide clothing
52422 Retail sale children's infant clothing
52423 Retail sale other women's clothing
52424 Retail sale other mens' clothing
5243 Retail footwear & leather goods
52431 Retail sale footwear & leather goods
52432 Retail sale leather goods
5244 Retail sale of furniture
5245 Retail household electrical
5246 Retail hardware paint glass
5247 Retail books stationery
5248 Other retail sales non specialised
52481 Retail sale floor coverings
52482 Retail photographic optical office
52484 Retail jewellery clocks & watches
52485 Retail sports goods toys stamps coin
52489 Other retail sale not elsewhere classified
5250 Retail sale second hand goods
5261 Retail sale via mail order
5262 Retail sale stalls & markets
5263 Other non-store retail sale
5271 Repair boots shoes leather
5272 Repair electrical appliance
5273 Repair watches & jewellery
5274 Repair not elsewhere class
52 Retail trade
5511 Hotel with restaurants
55111 Licensed hotels & motels
55112 Unlicensed hotels & motels
5512 Hotels without restaurants
5521 Youth hostels mountain refuges
5522 Camping sites & caravan sites
5523 Other provision of lodgings
55231 Holiday centres & villages
55232 Other self catering accommodation
55239 Other tourist & short stay accommodation
5530 Restaurants
55301 Licensed restaurants
55302 Unlicensed restaurants & cafes
55303 Take-away food shops
55304 Take-away food mobile stands
5540 Bars
55401 Licensed clubs
55402 Independent public houses & bars
55403 Tenanted public houses & bars
55404 Managed public houses & bars
5551 Canteens
5552 Catering
55 Hotels & restaurants
6010 Transport via railways
60101 Inter-city services
60109 Other transport via railways
6021 Other scheduled land transport
60211 Inter-city coach services
60213 Urban passenger underground metro
60219 Other scheduled. passenger land trans
6022 Taxi operation
6023 Other passenger land transport
60231 Renting buses & coaches
60239 Other passenger land transport
6024 Freight transport by road
60241 Furniture removal
60249 Other freight transport by road
6030 Transport via pipelines
60 Land transport
6110 Sea & coastal water transport
61101 Passenger sea & coastal transport
61102 Freight sea & coastal transport
6120 Inland water transport
61201 Passenger inland water transport
61209 Other inland water transport
61 Water transport
6210 Scheduled air transport
62101 Scheduled passenger air transport
62109 Other scheduled air transport
6220 Non-scheduled air transport
62201 Non-scheduled passenger air trans
62209 Other non-scheduled air transport
62 Air transport
6311 Cargo handling
6312 Storage & warehousing
6321 Other support land transport
6322 Other support water transport
6323 Other support air transport
6330 Travel agents tour operators
63301 Travel agents
63302 Travel organisers
63303 Tour guides
63309 Other tourist activities not elsewhere classified
6340 Other transport agencies
63 Supporting & auxiliary transport
6411 National post activities
6412 Courier not national post
6420 Telecommunications
64 Post & telecommunications
6511 Central banking
6512 Other monetary intermediation
65121 Banks
65122 Building societies
6521 Financial leasing
6522 Other credit granting
65221 Non-deposit consumer credit house
65222 Factoring
65223 Mortgage finance companies
65229 Other credit granting not elsewhere classified
6523 Other financial intermediation
65231 Investment trusts
65232 Unit trust & property unit trusts
65233 Security dealing on own account
65234 Bank holding companies
65235 Venture capital & development
65239 Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
65 Financial intermediation
6601 Life insurance
6602 Pension funding
6603 Non-life insurance
66 Insurance & pension funding
6711 Admin of financial markets
6712 Security broking fund manager
67121 Fund management
67122 Security broking & related act.
6713 Activities auxiliary finance
6720 Activities auxiliary insurance
67 Activities auxiliary to finance
7011 Development and selling of real estate
7012 Buy & sell of own real estate
7020 Letting of own property
70201 Letting conference & exhibition centres
70209 Other letting of own property
7031 Real estate agencies
7032 Management of real estate
70 Real estate activities
7110 Renting of automobiles
7120 Rent other transport equipment
7121 Rent other land transport
71211 Hire passenger land transport equipment
71219 Renting of other land trans equipment
7122 Rent water transport equipment
71221 Renting passenger water transport
71229 Renting other water trans equipment
7123 Rent air transport equipment
71231 Renting passenger transport equipment
71239 Renting other air trans equipment
7131 Rent agricultural equipment
7132 Rent construction machinery
7133 Rent office machine & computer
7134 Rent other machinery not elsewhere classified
7140 Rent personal household goods
71401 Renting sport & recreational equipment
71403 Hire radio television video record
71404 Hire records & pre-recorded media
71405 Renting video tapes
71409 Renting personal & household goods
71 Renting machinery & equipment
7210 Hardware consultancy
7220 Software consultancy & supply
7230 Data processing
7240 Data base activities
7250 Maintenance office machinery
7260 Other computer related activities
72 Computer & related activities
7310 Research development natural science
7320 Research development social science
73 Research & development
7411 Legal activities
74111 Patent & copyright agents
74119 Legal activities not elsewhere classified
7412 Accounting bookkeeping audit
74121 Accounting & auditing activities
74122 Book-keeping activities
74123 Tax consultancy
7413 Market research public opinion
7414 Business management consultant
74141 Public relations activities
74142 Financial management
74143 General management consultancy
74149 Business & management consultancy
7415 Management of holding company
74151 Management of wholesale holding co.
74152 Management of trans holding co.
74153 Management of construction holding co.
74154 Management of catering holding co.
74155 Management of motor trade holding
74156 Management of service holding co.
74157 Management of retail holding co.
74158 Management of products holding co.
74159 Management of non-fin. holding co.
7420 Architectural & engineering
74201 Architectural activities
74202 Urban planning and landscape arch
74203 Quantity surveying
74204 Engineering consultative & design
74205 Engineering design industrial
74206 Engineering scientific & tech.
74209 Other engineering activities
7430 Technical testing & analysis
7440 Advertising
74401 Sale lease advertising space
74402 Planning creation of advertisement
74409 Advertising activities not elsewhere classified
7450 Labour recruitment
7460 Investigation & security activities
74601 Investigation activities
74602 Security & related activities
7470 Industrial cleaning
74701 Traditional cleaning activities
74709 Other cleaning activities not elsewhere classified
7481 Photographic activities
74811 Coin operated photo booths
74812 Other portrait photographers
74819 Photographic activities not elsewhere classified
7482 Packaging activities
7483 Secretarial & translation
7484 Other business activities
74841 Credit reporting & collection
74842 Speciality design activities
74843 Exhibition & fair organisers
74844 Conference organisers
74849 Other business activities not elsewhere classified
74 Other business activity
7511 General public services
7512 Regulation health education
7513 Regulation of business
7514 Support service to government
7521 Foreign affairs
7522 Defence activities
7523 Justice & judicial activities
7524 Public security law & order
7525 Fire service activities
7530 Compulsory social security
75 Public administration
8010 Primary Education
8021 General secondary education
8022 Technical & vocational
8030 Higher education
80301 Sub-degree level higher education
80302 First-degree level higher education
80303 Post-grad level higher education
8041 Driving school activities
8042 Adult & other education not elsewhere classified
80421 Private training providers
80429 Other adult education not elsewhere classified
80 Education
8511 Hospital activities
85111 Public hospitals & NHS trusts
85112 Private sector hospitals
85113 Nursing homes
8512 Medical practice activities
8513 Dental practice activities
8514 Other human health activities
8520 Veterinary activities
8531 Social work with accommodation
85311 Charitable accommodation
85312 Non charitable accommodation
8532 Social work without accommodation
85321 Charitable & social work
85322 Non charitable social work
85 Health & Social Work
9000 Sewage & refuse disposal
90001 Sewage disposal
90002 Refuse disposal
90003 Sanitation & similar activities
90 Sewage & refuse disposal
9111 Activities of employers and business organisations
9112 Activities of professional organisations
9120 Activities of trade unions
9131 Activities of religious organisations
9132 Activities of political organisations
9133 Activities other membership organisations
91 Activities membership organisations
9211 Motion picture production
92111 Motion picture production
92119 Other motion picture activities
9212 Motion picture & video distributors
9213 Motion picture projection
9220 Radio & television activities
92201 Radio activities
92202 Television activities
9231 Artistic & literary creation
92311 Live theatrical presentation
92319 Other artistic &literary creation
9232 Operation of arts facilities
9233 Fair & amusement park activities
9234 Other entertainment activities not elsewhere classified
92341 Dance halls, discos & instructors
92349 Other entertainment not elsewhere classified
9240 News agency activities
9251 Library & archives activities
9252 Museum & historical sites
92521 Museums
92522 Historical sites & buildings
9253 Botanical & Zoological gardens
9261 Sports arenas & stadiums not elsewhere classified
92611 Ice rinks & roller skating rinks
92619 Other sports arenas & stadiums
9262 Other sporting activities
92621 Racehorse owners
92629 Other sporting activities not elsewhere classified
9271 Gambling & betting activities
9272 Other recreational activities
92 Recreational cultural & sport
9301 Washing & dry cleaning
9302 Hairdressing beauty treatments
9303 Funeral & related activities
9304 Physical well-being activities
9305 Other service activities not elsewhere classified
93 Other service activities
9500 Private households with employed persons
95 Private households with employed persons
9900 Extra territorial organisations
99 Extra territorial organisations & bodies


N.B. These above codes are for historical reference only and have been superseded by modern SIC revisions. They are a useful free listing however for certain applications, provided you appreciate that they are not the modern SIC system.


See also:

demographic classifications


business planning



Tables are largely Crown Copyright. Ref: