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Continuous Learning
4.9 (8)
Category Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
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Empowering Others
4.9 (8)
Category Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
I do my best work when I am being strictly micromanaged… said no employee, ever. No one likes to be controlled. It sucks the joy out of work and leaves people feeling powerless and unfulfilled. Telling your employees what to do and how in minute detail might feel like the safest way to get the results you want. But really, all it achieves is a disengaged workforce and an unruly task list on your desk. This is where the idea of Empowering Others comes in. To empower literally means ‘putting power into’. That’s what you’re doing when you invest the time and energy into empowering the people around you. Fancy increasing innovation, engagement, morale, and performance throughout your workplace? You’re in the right place
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The Growth Mindset
4.9 (8)
Category Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
Whether in your personal life or work, they say you get out what you put in. While effort is key to how much progress you’ll make, it’s not the only important thing; your mindset makes an enormous difference too. The concept of the growth mindset has been developed using rigorous scientific research and can really help you improve your abilities. Having a growth mindset can help you progress in all aspects of life, whether getting that promotion at work, expanding your education or simply bringing more positivity to your life. This course is here to show you how.
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What is a Learning Culture
4.9 (8)
Category Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
What’s this place? There are zombies wandering around, mindlessly doing the same thing day in, day out. Don’t worry, you haven’t stumbled on to the set of The Walking Dead. Nope, it’s worse. You’ve entered the realm of the non-existent learning culture. Places like this can make each day, even entire careers, feel like a dead-end. See what we did there? This is a place where learning just isn’t valued. Look at those zombies… They’re not hungry for knowledge; they’re hungry for braaaaaains! Okay, so you’re probably not actually facing the zombie apocalypse, but you might well be looking for ways to reanimate your workforce. This means developing your learning culture to empower your employees, fuel innovation and, ultimately, ensure the long-term performance of your business.
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