Course overview

Understanding depression is the first step to recovering from it. Whether it’s you that’s suffering, or you suspect that your friend or relative is, this course is an aid to diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We’re not claiming it will cure you. But it’s going to help you on your way down that road. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and we’ll be at the side of the road passing you water as you go.

Learning objectives:

  • The symptoms of depression
  • The differences between depression and sadness
  • How and where to find treatment?
  • What recovery looks like?

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Depression and Low Mood – eLearning
4.9 (8)
Not available unless: You are a(n) Premium Member
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Depression and Low Mood - Certificate
4.9 (8)
Not available unless: The activity Depression and Low Mood – eLearning is marked complete