Course overview

Sometimes people become so overwhelmed with a problem in their life that they contemplate intentionally taking their own life. It’s a horrible situation. But many people suffering with suicidal thoughts haven’t decided they definitely want to die. This means knowing how to talk about suicide, however uncomfortable it may be, can save someone’s life.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognise the reasons people consider suicide and who is at risk
  • Identify any suicidal warning signs
  • Have a successful conversation about suicidal thoughts
  • Assist someone who needs immediate help

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Dealing with Suicidal Feelings – eLearning
4.9 (8)
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Dealing with Suicidal Feelings - Certificate
4.9 (8)
Not available unless: The activity Dealing with Suicidal Feelings – eLearning is marked complete