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Data Breaches
4.7 (9)
Category Cyber Security Collection
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Data Handling (Best Practices)
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
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Email Security
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
Hackers and cybercriminals are always trying to find a way into your systems for their own personal gain. An obvious way in for them is through the front door: your emails. Malware sent as links or attachments could wreak havoc, as could phishing attacks which try to con you out of your hard-earned cash. You need to be savvy when it comes to protecting your emails. A securely set up email system is your shield from these bad guys. Using passwords, encryption and common sense, you put a metaphorical bouncer on the door and beef them up to repel attackers.
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Email Security (Dutch)
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
Hackers en cybercriminelen proberen altijd een manier te vinden om toegang tot jouw systeem te krijgen voor kwaadaardige doeleinden. De meest voor de hand liggende ingang is de voordeur: je e-mails. Met malware die als hyperlinks of bijlagen is vermomd, kan chaos worden veroorzaakt en met phishingaanvallen wordt je geld gestolen. Je moet aardig snugger zijn om je e-mails te beschermen. Een veilig ingesteld e-mailsysteem is je eerste lijn van verdediging tegen deze schurken. Met wachtwoorden, versleuteling en gezond verstand zet jij een digitale uitsmijter bij je voordeur om deze aanvallers te weren.
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GDPR Overview
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
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4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
Ever heard of Phishing? We’re not talking about an angler baiting their rod and casting to see what they can hook. Oh, hang on. We sort of are. Phishing is a type of cyber attack that criminals might use to get something from you. Personal information, money directly or something else entirely. They lure you in and hope you bite. Alright, it’s a lazy analogy, but it’s an appropriate one. Phishing techniques are becoming more sophisticated, and if you don’t know how to protect yourself, you too could become another victim of this fast-growing weapon in a cybercriminal’s armoury.
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Protection and Infection Control
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
We spend a huge portion of our life online. From work emails and online banking, to iCloud and social media. Smart technology has even managed to invade every corner of our home lives too. (Hi Alexa!) Pretty convenient. But as technology advances, so too do cybersecurity threats. But fear not, there are lots of practical steps you can apply to make sure you and your organisation are protected and well versed when it comes to infection control.
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Staying Safe Online
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
When you go online, you’re entering a virtual world. But the risks you face there are just as real and just as dangerous as the ones you face in real life. There are online predators, hackers, phishers, and criminal gangs, all waiting for an opportunity to strike. At best you might lose money. At worst you might lose your entire identity or be subjected to mental, or even physical, abuse.
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Subject Access Rights
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
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The GDPR Guru
4.9 (9)
Category Cyber Security Collection
You wouldn’t sign a blank cheque and hand it to someone, would you? For a start, we’re well into the 21st century, no-one uses cheques these days. But did you know that your personal data is like currency in the digital age? It’s big business – worth BILLIONS of dollars worldwide. You’d be surprised how much of it you give away for free too, every time you do one of those online quizzes – “Which Celebrity Pupper does your pet look like?” & “We can tell your true age from JUST your date of birth!” and the like.Luckily, there is a modern, tailor-made set of regulations in position to help you keep your personal information to yourself. It’s called the GDPR, and we’re going to explain it to you in the least boring way possible. The course is designed for everyone, because everyone has data they want to protect, and every organisation has a legal requirement to keep whatever data they do collect safe. If they don’t, the consequences are bad. Did I say bad? I meant DEVASTATING. Like, 20 million euros fine devastating.
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The Internet of Things
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
What do the following have in common? Toasters, kettles, refrigerators… Well, they’re all found in the kitchen, that’s true. But they are all commonly becoming part of the Internet of Things (IoT). To put it simply, these devices and thousands of others are being fitted with sensors that allow them to talk to each other. Turn on the kettle from your smartphone. Connect your fridge to your shopping list and auto-order milk when you’re getting low. All these features have their uses, but BEWARE! They can also be exploited by cybercriminals…
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The Role of Data Protection Officers
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
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Using a Strong Password
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
We all love the films about hacking. Like when a detective is trying to get into a secret computer and manages to crack the code just before the criminal comes through the door. These films are thrilling because they seem inaccessible. But did you know, hacking isn’t just to do with glamorous cases like taking over government schemes or robbing banks? The most common hacking happens to ordinary people with any online account. And the only thing standing between a criminal and your private information is a password. So you need to make it count.
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Viruses and Malware
4.9 (8)
Category Cyber Security Collection
Ah, The Matrix. Cutting edge cinema. It hasn’t aged well though, has it? Modern technology has already caught up to the dystopian future it portrayed, right?Thing is, as the technology has grown, so has our need to massively UP our cybersecurity game. Just like in the movies, bad guys have the means to take control of our tech, and they won’t hesitate to do so. You simply MUST play your part and stand up to them, because if you don’t, you or your company will feel the effects.
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