Course overview

Computers are brilliant for many aspects of work, but if used incorrectly employees can gain insufferable injuries that will not only lead to nasty damage in their limbs, back and eyes but also result in extra company costs. This course covers exactly what you need to ensure you set up your workstations correctly and support employees’ needs.

It will also give you the facts so you can threaten your children with confidence when they are on the iPad for too long.

Learning objectives:

  • Know how to use a computer screen, keyboard and mouse correctly (for DSE)
  • Recognise and control any DSE risks
  • Understand furniture needs
  • Understand employee DSE rights
  • Recognise when to perform reviews

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Computer Workstations (DSE) – eLearning
4.9 (9)
Not available unless: You are a(n) Premium Member
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Course certificate
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Not available unless: The activity Computer Workstations (DSE) – eLearning is marked complete