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Abrasive Wheels
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Ah, Robot Wars! The hit TV show where contestants build robots using everyday objects and then make them fight to the death! When it comes to weapons, these things are vicious. But what if you work with these tools every day? Abrasive wheels are incredibly useful but also very dangerous when used incorrectly. There are many types of abrasive wheel to suit a wide range of applications, so it’s important to knowwhat to look out for, and how to use and handle them safely.
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Accident Reporting Training
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Correctly reporting incidents at work is an essential part of your business. That’s why iAM Accident Reporting Training is a crucial part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. It will teach you all you need to know about reporting accidents in the workplace, tracking safety progress and improving working conditions for employees.
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Adaptability and Flexibility
4.9 (8)
Category Creativity and Innovation Collection
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Aggression and Violence
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
In an ideal world, no-one would have to face aggression and violence at all. Unfortunately, many of us are faced with it at work, sometimes on a daily basis, whether from a customer or service user, or even from a colleague or boss. No matter the source, it isn’t pleasant and can be extremely stressful, affecting performance, personal relationships, mental health and also your wellbeing.
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Allergy Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Food Safety Collection
Food allergies are really serious and people with them can die. Did you know there are 14 major food allergies? Food allergens can cause life-threatening reactions and ailments in people that could be avoided by knowing what to look for. Allergens need to be mentioned on labels or menus, but if you are not aware of which foods they are in and they are given to a person with an allergy then this could cause serious risk which could leave them with physical and emotional trauma.
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Allyship in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Being an ally means acknowledging your privilege and using it to advocate on behalf of people from less-privileged, underrepresented communities. Allies educate themselves, to make sure they aren’t discriminating against others or contributing to hostile environments. They’re also willing to amplify the voices of colleagues who directly experience discrimination. It’s not about feeling bad about making mistakes. But it is about committing to acknowledging those mistakes, so real, sustainable change can happen. Understanding what allyship is and how to be a good ally will help you contribute to a workplace that creates inclusive teams in which diversity is championed. It can feel uncomfortable to acknowledge privilege and mistakes. But you can use yours to support your colleagues and work towards an equitable workplace for everyone.
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Anti-Racism in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Asbestos Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Asbestos is dubbed by many H&S practitioners as the silent killer. And you can see why. There’s no cure for asbestos-related diseases, buildings still contain it and once it’s in the air you can’t detect it. If you breathe it in, then it could be fatal. And because it was so widely used throughout the 20th century, it presents a threat to maintenance staff, building workers and the public. Which is why iAM Asbestos Awareness training is an essential part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. Treat this course as part of your business contingency plan to protect you, your business and your workers from harm.
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Ask for Help
4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
Asking for help can feel uncomfortable. You might worry that people will think you’re incompetent, or that nobody will be willing or able to help you. But we all need help sometimes. Learning how to ask in a way that’s likely to get you the support you need is a useful skill to develop. Often, accessing another person’s knowledge and expertise can help you to achieve your own goals. So, learning how to ask for and accept help from others is an important part of unlocking your own potential. Asking well will boost your confidence and that of the person you’re approaching and can give you the edge in a whole host of different circumstances.
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Basic Safeguarding Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Safeguarding Collection
Safeguarding is about taking responsibility for protecting the health, well-being and human rights of people who might be vulnerable to abuse. Everyone needs to be aware of the risks of abuse and know how to respond to the warning signs. Abuse can happen to anyone. However, some people are more at risk than others. If your work or volunteer activity brings you into contact with children or vulnerable adults it’s really important to learn how to safeguard them from harm.
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Being Kind to Yourself
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
It’s hard to talk about wellbeing without sounding too ‘new age’,  but what does it really mean? We’re talking about people being happy, healthy and comfortable. Simple enough. But it sounds like hard work, right? Not necessarily. There are ways to keep your wellbeing robust without doing anything particularly challenging – phew! And when your wellbeing is peaking, both mentally and physically, there’s nothing you can’t do. Important stuff, then.
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Being Your Best Self
4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
Who would you rather be, Diana Prince or Wonder Woman? Well, duh! They’re the same person. It’s just that when Diana is being her best self, she’s being a superhero. You don’t need to be born an Amazonian warrior princess to become your own superhero, though. Just concentrate on what makes you great. Do you think Wonder Woman could do amazing things by focusing on her weaknesses? You can move forward in both your career and life outside work by becoming your best self. When you feel great, you can do great things. Being your best self will help you achieve the things you want to, bring out the best in others, and feel fulfilled. This course will show you how.
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Bring your Whole Self to Work (Authenticity)
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
The idea of being authentically you in the workplace might feel intimidating, or even unprofessional. But what if being yourself at work were actually a way to improve your overall well-being and your performance? Hiding a part of yourself is exhausting. Just imagine what you could do with that energy if it was yours to use as you pleased. Developing authentic connections and relationships at work can be beneficial for you and the organisation you work for. And you could help your colleagues to feel able to be themselves at work as well.
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Budget Like a Boss
4.9 (8)
Category New Business Manager and Owner Collection
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Building your Personal Brand
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Your personal brand is who you are and what you stand for. It’s the image you display to the entire company, and it’s up to you to build that identity into something you’re proud of. Something that makes other people want to know you and work with you. This 60-second resource is full of information that’ll help you build your personal brand. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Bullying (Employees & Managers)
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect at work, and yet workplace bullying is surprisingly and disappointingly common. Even if an organisation has a policy in place to deal with the issue, incidents can often go undetected or overlooked. Bullying in the workplace can take a number of forms and can be perpetrated by managers or co-workers. It has a very serious negative impact not only for the victims but also for the organisation, resulting in low morale and an adverse working environment. This course will help managers and employers to recognise bullying behaviours and eradicate them.
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Cash Flow Statement Pro
4.9 (8)
Category New Business Manager and Owner Collection
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is less complicated than it sounds. It simply combines cognitive therapy, which is the way we think (the brain), with behavioural therapy (our actions), to readjust the way that we process information. It seeks to help you change the way you approach your thoughts, so you can clear your mind of negative intrusion and find a different solution.
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Collaborative Problem Solving
4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
What do you think of puzzles? From children, we’re taught to problem solve; up from shape sorters to jigsaws and then the dreaded maths homework. But sometimes you can spend half an hour staring at the same crossword hint before giving up. Then when you come back to the break room for a coffee, someone else has already solved it: 10 across (13): Working with someone to produce something. COLLABORATION Alright, it’s an obvious answer now you know it. In my defence, I left my glasses on my desk. *cough* See, there are times when coming together to solve a problem can be really beneficial. Hearing other peoples’ opinions and evaluations of a common problem and pooling a wide selection of skill sets can help you come up with a unique solution. This short course is designed to help you make the most of your collaborations.
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Combatting Imposter Syndrome
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
We all experience doubt, at times. But have you ever felt like you haven’t earned your achievements, or that your colleagues and peers are going to discover you’re a fraud? Have these feelings continued to bother you, regardless of your success or evidence to the contrary? If so, it’s likely you’ve experienced imposter syndrome. It’s more common than you might think, affecting people from all walks of life and of all levels of success. Frequently doubting your capabilities and achievements is exhausting. It can also undermine your future performance and destroy your confidence, preventing you from seeking new opportunities for growth. Luckily, you can learn how to separate your feelings from facts and reframe your thoughts so that imposter syndrome doesn’t stand in your way
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Computer Workstations (DSE)
4.9 (8)
Category Policy and Compliance Collection
Computers are brilliant for many aspects of work, but if used incorrectly employees can gain insufferable injuries that will not only lead to nasty damage in their limbs, back and eyes but also result in extra company costs. This course covers exactly what you need to ensure you set up your workstations correctly and support employees’ needs.It will also give you the facts so you can threaten your children with confidence when they are on the iPad for too long.
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4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
Do you ever wish you had more confidence? Believing in yourself, walking tall, and winning the day, like a character at the end of an uplifting film? If you’re thinking, ‘But I could never be like Buzz Lightyear’, remember that all successful people have only 1 thing in common: confidence. Luckily, there are things you can do to build up your confidence and achieve your goal – whether that’s being able to fly or just starting a conversation with the new person at work. Once you start working on it, your confidence will continue to grow. This course is here to help you boost that confidence.
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Conflict Management
4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
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Connecting with your Business Goals
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Everyone has personal goals. They help you learn, grow, and develop. Business goals do the same for a company. Every business has aims it wants to accomplish. But to help realise those aims, employees need to connect their individual goals with those of the business. Thankfully, this 60-second resource is packed full of information that’ll help you understand how to connect with your business goals. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Continuous Learning
4.9 (8)
Category Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
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Control of Cross Contamination
4.9 (8)
Category Food Safety Collection
Remember that scene in Ghostbusters when Egon warned Pete not to cross the energy streams that they used to hoover up ghosts? It was only a small thing, but it could have led to disastrous consequences. In the world of food safety, we’re not talking about energy streams but a contaminant-infested equivalent. If you cross-contaminate, you’re liable to unleash something even more deadly than the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. It’s no laughing matter.
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Coping with Isolation
4.9 (8)
Category Mental Health Collection
We're humans and naturally used to living in social groups. So when it's taken away, it can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and more. This short course is your first step to combatting and coping with isolation.
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Covid-19 Awareness
4.9 (8)
Category Health and Safety Collection
In this course, you will find useful information about coronavirus. This course has been created to help spread awareness about the virus, how it is transmitted, and how you can prevent catching it or spreading it to others. We strongly encourage you to seek information from your national and/or local authorities in your respective country. This course has been based on World Health Organisation information and best practice.
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Creating a Coaching Culture
4.9 (8)
Category Soft Skills Collection
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Creating a Safeguarding Culture
4.9 (8)
Category Safeguarding Collection
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Creating a Workplace that Embraces Neurodiversity
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Creative Thinking
4.9 (8)
Category Creativity and Innovation Collection
Showing 1 - 32 of 146