Course overview

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is less complicated than it sounds. It simply combines cognitive therapy, which is the way we think (the brain), with behavioural therapy (our actions), to readjust the way that we process information. It seeks to help you change the way you approach your thoughts, so you can clear your mind of negative intrusion and find a different solution.

Learning objectives:

  • What is CBT?
  • Who will benefit from CBT
  • How it works? 
  • The benefits
  • How to get help

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – eLearning
4.9 (8)
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Certificate
4.9 (8)
Not available unless: The activity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – eLearning is marked complete