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Allyship in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Being an ally means acknowledging your privilege and using it to advocate on behalf of people from less-privileged, underrepresented communities. Allies educate themselves, to make sure they aren’t discriminating against others or contributing to hostile environments. They’re also willing to amplify the voices of colleagues who directly experience discrimination. It’s not about feeling bad about making mistakes. But it is about committing to acknowledging those mistakes, so real, sustainable change can happen. Understanding what allyship is and how to be a good ally will help you contribute to a workplace that creates inclusive teams in which diversity is championed. It can feel uncomfortable to acknowledge privilege and mistakes. But you can use yours to support your colleagues and work towards an equitable workplace for everyone.
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Anti-Racism in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Bring your Whole Self to Work (Authenticity)
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
The idea of being authentically you in the workplace might feel intimidating, or even unprofessional. But what if being yourself at work were actually a way to improve your overall well-being and your performance? Hiding a part of yourself is exhausting. Just imagine what you could do with that energy if it was yours to use as you pleased. Developing authentic connections and relationships at work can be beneficial for you and the organisation you work for. And you could help your colleagues to feel able to be themselves at work as well.
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Bullying (Employees & Managers)
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect at work, and yet workplace bullying is surprisingly and disappointingly common. Even if an organisation has a policy in place to deal with the issue, incidents can often go undetected or overlooked. Bullying in the workplace can take a number of forms and can be perpetrated by managers or co-workers. It has a very serious negative impact not only for the victims but also for the organisation, resulting in low morale and an adverse working environment. This course will help managers and employers to recognise bullying behaviours and eradicate them.
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Combatting Imposter Syndrome
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
We all experience doubt, at times. But have you ever felt like you haven’t earned your achievements, or that your colleagues and peers are going to discover you’re a fraud? Have these feelings continued to bother you, regardless of your success or evidence to the contrary? If so, it’s likely you’ve experienced imposter syndrome. It’s more common than you might think, affecting people from all walks of life and of all levels of success. Frequently doubting your capabilities and achievements is exhausting. It can also undermine your future performance and destroy your confidence, preventing you from seeking new opportunities for growth. Luckily, you can learn how to separate your feelings from facts and reframe your thoughts so that imposter syndrome doesn’t stand in your way
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Creating a Workplace that Embraces Neurodiversity
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Disability in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Gender Identity in the Workplace
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
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Know your Worth (and ask for it)
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Ever feel like you’re just working 9 to 5? That you’re barely getting by and it’s all taking and no giving? Sometimes it’s easy to feel you’re being used for your mind and never given credit. Well maybe it’s time to pour yourself a cup of ambition and realise that you have worth. Everyone does. Knowing your worth and being unafraid to ask for it is an important skill to master. Negotiation takes place in every area of life. When you know your worth, you’re more confident in setting boundaries, you can see the value you bring, and you’re better able to negotiate for what you deserve. This course will explain everything.
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Recognising Privilege
4.9 (8)
Category BEDI (Belonging & Inclusivity) Collection
Privilege is a complex subject to address. If someone pointed out the ways in which your life is easier because of factors beyond your control, like race, gender, or class, you might feel defensive or embarrassed. But the truth is, most of us benefit from some form of privilege, usually without even realising it. Benefitting from privilege doesn’t mean your life has been easy or you haven’t struggled. But it’s important to recognise that your privilege hasn’t made your life harder, whereas lacking it does create barriers for others. Sadly, not everyone has equal privilege. People can benefit from or lack it in many different ways. Recognising the privilege that you and others have is the 1st step towards establishing a fairer society for everyone.
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