Course overview

Unfortunately, racism still undermines the rights of employees in many workplaces. Sometimes, it’s easy to spot and challenge. But sometimes, it’s subtle and embedded in policies, processes, or unconscious attitudes. Racism is never acceptable. To work towards a workplace that’s fair for everyone, you need to commit to actively challenging and overcoming it.

It’s time for you to take action. Because you have an important role to play in making sure racism isn’t present in your workplace. Recognising different forms of racism and how anti-racism strategies can overcome them in your workplace will help you to do so, as will understanding how to have respectful, productive conversations about race with your colleagues.

Learning objectives:

  • Define racism and the importance of clear anti-racism policies and practices in the workplace to maintain a dignified working environment 
  • Explain the primary forms racism takes within organisations and how it can be prevented or removed to create a positive working environment
  • Suggest key elements of improvement to the organisational anti-racism strategy to continually improve the working environment for everyone

Why take this course?

Everyone has a responsibility to recognise and challenge racism, wherever it appears in the workplace. Nobody should have to face discrimination. And racism, including covert racism, is an unlawful form of discrimination in UK workplaces. This course will walk you through what racism is and how to begin challenging it.

Course resources

Complete the eModule to gain your certificate (subscription required). 

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Anti-Racism in the Workplace – eModule
4.9 (8)
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Anti-Racism in the Workplace – Certificate
4.9 (8)
Not available unless:
  • You are a(n) Premium Member
  • The activity Anti-Racism in the Workplace – eModule is marked complete
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Anti-Racism in the Workplace – Takeaway Task
4.9 (8)
Not available unless:
  • You are a(n) Premium Member
  • The activity Anti-Racism in the Workplace – Certificate is marked complete
  • The activity Anti-Racism in the Workplace – eModule is marked complete