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Building your Personal Brand
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Your personal brand is who you are and what you stand for. It’s the image you display to the entire company, and it’s up to you to build that identity into something you’re proud of. Something that makes other people want to know you and work with you. This 60-second resource is full of information that’ll help you build your personal brand. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Connecting with your Business Goals
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Everyone has personal goals. They help you learn, grow, and develop. Business goals do the same for a company. Every business has aims it wants to accomplish. But to help realise those aims, employees need to connect their individual goals with those of the business. Thankfully, this 60-second resource is packed full of information that’ll help you understand how to connect with your business goals. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Finding your Professional Self
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Having a successful career isn’t just about finding the perfect job, it’s about presenting your best professional self. When you do, your colleagues will value you more, and it’ll help you move up the career ladder. Thankfully, this 60-second resource is full of information that’ll help you find your professional self so you can show people what you value as well as what you’re capable of. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Finding your Professional Voice
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
You’ve got the job, and you’re rocking the work wardrobe. All you need do now is wait for the promotions to roll in, right? Wrong! You need to sound like a professional as well as look and act like one. If you don’t, you’ll never climb the ladder. Thankfully, this 60-second resource is full of concentrated information goodness that’ll help you find your professional voice so you can fulfil your potential. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
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Increasing your Influence
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
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Preparing for 1-2-1's
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
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Showcase your Accomplishments
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
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The Power of a Mentor
4.9 (8)
Category 60 Seconds Collection
Having a mentor at work is a great way to learn. They know the ropes and can provide you with information and guidance to help you become better at what you do. A mentor is also a great source of encouragement. This 60-second resource is full of concentrated information goodness that’ll help you understand all the ways a mentor can boost your knowledge, productivity, and career. It’s ideal if you’re always on the go and want to gain that new skill in just 1 minute.
Showing 1 - 8 of 8